Monday, May 18, 2009

nail polish .. color pen

about 3 weeks ago, i bought crystal a new set of color-pen. 
2 weeks back, when i got home .. found she colored her nails with red and orange color. very cute ...very girlie ... lol .. !!! 

mama: oh, your nails have great colors! where did you get such idea? did you see friends in your class also colored their nails? 
crystal: yeah. 
mama: which friends? 
crsytal: *mention 2 names*
mama: only 2 persons? are they girls or boys?
crystal: girls.
mama: oh, i see. it's very nice. 

i'm sorry, my dear!
too bad ... your mama doesn't have nail-polish, so you should use your color-pen instead. hahahaaha!


lisa said...

hahaha... crystal mulai centil ya... mama, beli kutex dong biar bisa pake bareng sama crystal :D

Sarie said...

dah mulai coba pake lipstik jg gak Yen? biasanya anak suka niru org dewasa:) hehehe....

yenni 'yendoel' said...

@lisa... hmmm...lagi nimbang2 ide ini.
@sarie .. belom coba lipstik, soalnya maknya juga hampir gak pernah lipstik-an. di sini ngantor nyantai, gak ala sudirman-kuningan-thamrin. rekan2 kantor gak ada yg berlipstik. kalo summer ada beberapa yg malah bercelana pendek, saking cuek dan saking nyantainya.

abhi said...

color pens are better than nail polish.its easy to wipe also :-)

eny said...

hehehe lucu juga.
Yen, anak lu udah pengen girly tuh. Ayo dong emaknya juga ikutan sekali-kali, siapa tau suami pangling, jadi tambah cintrong deh huehueheuehue

zee said...

Bener Yen, color pen better lah. Lbh gampang dihapus pula.
Sesekali aja biar Crystal seneng. :)

Michael, Ryan , Emily's Mommy said...

Beliin dong Yen, kasihan banget tuh pake spidol..kan ada yang murah khusus buat anak anak

SinceYen said...

haha.. waktu kecil, sebelum SD lah, dulu aku juga suka ngecat kukuku dengan spidol merah. Udah gede malah emoh make nail-polish.