Sunday, May 10, 2009

another thoughtful lil girl

trash bin
one day grandma was sitting on the couch, watching tv, with some fruit peel on her hand. 
Angie with one hand holding her milk bottle, with her lil foot, she kicked the trash-bin bit by bit to where grandma was sitting. 

using her other hand, she tried to get the peel to be thrown into the trash bin. at first, grandma thought Angie was interested in eating 'something' on grandma's hand. then grandma saw the trash-bin and knew Angie''s intention. so she put the peel into the trashbin. 

again with her lil foot, she kicked the trash-bin bit by bit to its original place. 

grandma is always happy to repeat this story. mommy has heard this for about 5 times. lol! 

meal time
during meal time, Angie will climb by herself onto her dining chair. if mommy hasn't put her bowl and spoon on the table, she will remind mom by pointing to the kitchen cabinet, saying:  "wan..wan...!" (bowl). then she'll call her sister: "jie-jie, he-han!" (should be: jie-jie, chi fan! sister, have your meal!)

mommy usually always reminds Crystal to call grandpa and grandma to have meal. so, now mommy can also ask Angie to call grandpa, grandma, and others to have meal. 
she is surely happy to say it! 

有一天奶奶坐在沙发上看电视. 手上拿着果皮. 
当时齐齐再拿着奶瓶喝奶. 小脚把垃圾桶慢慢的踢到奶奶跟前.
一开始奶奶以为齐齐把果皮当吃的 (齐齐有点好吃 .. 呵呵!)

她会指着厨柜提醒妈妈说:"碗 .. 碗 ..!"  
然后她会喊: "姐姐, he-han!" (发音还不准,其实她想说: 姐姐,吃饭!) 


Michael, Ryan , Emily's Mommy said...

Wow..Angie pintar sudah ngerti kebersihan, dan meletakan sesuatu kembali pada tempatnya.
Ya si Grandma pasti nggak nyangka anak sekecil itu sudah ngerti , kalau kulit buat di tempatnya.. Pintar sekali.. jelas aja si Grandma bangga, dan nggak henti cerita .. hehehehe..
Tuh kan Grandma!!, cucu cewek lebih pintar dari cucu cowokmu hehehe..

mochie said...

untung postingannya dwilingual ya, kalo gak di translate bwaahhhh liyerrrr dah bacanya hahaha

mommy holly, mungkin grandma selalu keinget karena angie cucu paling kecil dirumah, ntar kalo angie punya adek laki masa gk pinter ya gak yen! lol