Friday, March 13, 2009

Angie and milk

Angie has drunk UHT milk for several times.
2 nights ago i let her drink by herself, a 250ml packaging, using a straw.
and i went to do other things. later on, Crystal said, "mama, Angie is pouring the milk on to the floor."

when i entered the room, Angie already took off the straw,  poured the milk onto our wooden floor, while from her lill mouth she said, "pour... pour ... pour ..." (in chinese). after that, she stepped on the milk

what a naughty lil creature .. lol!  i couldn't help laughing. 

i said to her, "stay away from it. mama's gonna wipe the floor." 
she walked to the window side and stayed there. 
when i came back with the wipe, she already ran by the milk and planned to step on it again, with a happy-wicked smile on her face.

instead of being angry ..  i couldn't help laughing. 
while Crystal followed on what her lil sis did, and giggled happily. 

Angie often does this with her milk bottle if she doesn't want to drink more, she will pour the rest of the milk anywhere. 


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very fine......

Anonymous said...

maknya sabar euy... :)

Ninis said...

Iya nih.. emaknya emang TOP kesabarannya :)
Kalo aku dah dududududuhhhh awas awas minggir .. jangan ditumpahin gitu dong, Dek... bla bla bla..

*masih harus banyak belajar ilmu sabarrrrr*

mochie said...

bener Nis, kalo aku udah gak bisa mesem2, yg ada taring yg nongol.. biar punya asisten 2 juga, klo aku ud dirumah sebisa keperluan anak aku yg handle.. so it will be arrrgggghhh

TotaLuki said...

persis kaya Teo.. dia sukanya numpahin susu.. trusan dia gue suruh ngepel hehehe.. trusan badannya merah2 soalnya kalo kulitnya kena dairy product langsung gatal2

Y3nn1 said...

Angie tyoe usil nih kayanya...tapi bikin hepi :D