Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'sick' taxi driver and nice taxi driver

we took a taxi from the airport. 
firstly we drove to my friend's apartment on FR road. 

driver: then where will you go after that?
me: to QY road.
driver: i should turn right here if we go to QY road.
me : you can drive to her apartment first. later on you can turn back. 
driver: i won't turn back. 
me: (*began to feel annoyed*) go to her apartment first. it's raining, she will not get down and walk that far.  
(*there was more than enough space for his taxi to make a turn outside the apartment. and we continued to my apartment*)
me: please enter the gate. okey, stop here.  (my apartment was about 10 meters from the gate)
driver: cheeeeh.... why not stop and get down on the street outside. (with unfriendly and annoying voice). 

it was still raining. if i got down, i still needed to cross the street, with my bags. should i? i said nothing, paid, got my bags. i was tired and didnt want to ruin my mood by having  an argue with a mentally-sick-taxi-driver.  May God bless him! maybe he had a quarrel with his wife at home and had bad mood. 

*emang minta digampar2 nih supir*

we went out with the kids. it was public holiday. there are thousands of people everywhere. almost impossible to get a taxi. while i carried Crystal who fell asleep and my husband carried Angie who also fell asleep, we walked separately. a kind taxi driver saw my husband and stopped. he was going to pick up his wife because his wife  couldn't get a taxi either in NQ area. he drove us home before picking up his wife. May God always bless this kind hearted man!  

there're still a lot of kind hearted taxi drivers. 
i saw several times in tv, some taxi drivers found package of money around 200,000 yuan or so. they submitted the money to the police. 


Anonymous said...

wuih.... gile supir taxi kok bs begitu ya? ga ada sopan2nya...

Anonymous said...

astaga itu supir..pdhl khan dibayar ya.

Ninis said...

Kalau bisa sih.. jangan menilai seseorang/sesuatu dari kulitnya ya...
Supirpun pasti ada yang berhati mulia, banyak juga yang brengsek!
Begitu pula hartawan, bangsawan, sampai raja/presiden/kaisar..
Tapi menurutku, masih banyak orang di bumi ini yang menilai seseorang dari pekerjaan/pangkat/jabatannya, terutama di Indonesia... *istilah keren mereka : bibit bebet bobot*

Halah ngelantur..

mochie said...

Sama aja yen, pengalaman gw jg waktu hamil anak ke2.. bawa mbak 1 dan mamaku, pulangnya naik taksi, masa dia masih ngerokok aja tuh.. gw protes.. pak, bisa tolong matiin rokoknya, sy lagi hamil dan ada anak2..*sambil melotot n siap2 kalo dia ngambek, gw langsung turun*

Walo dimatiin rokoknya, tp jendela dia tetep dibuka, pdhal tau sendiri udara Jakarta siang hari yang polusi tinggi.. Sepanjang jalan aku sibuk catet nama supir, no taksi di HP, kesannya lagi mencet sms.. Sampe rumah langsung telp and komplen sampe puwas ke kantor taksinya..