Friday, July 17, 2009

choking ! be aware !

just last week, a 3 yr-old boy in my town, was choked to death when eating a grape.

the boy was the son of the colleague of my sis-in-law's friend.
the mother was panic and didn't know what to do.
she ran and tried to bring her son to doctor. but it was just too late!
up till now, the family don't dare to let the kid's grandma know,
due to the grandma has a heart problem.

please be aware when you kids are having grapes or jelly (see below pictures).
many kids in china die because of choking by jelly.
when my kids are having jelly, i always require them to use spoon, explaining them the risk.

it's very important for us, especially parents, to know the how to do first aid for choking and CPR. brief or train your baby care-giver also.
pengasuh sebaiknya juga dilatih untuk pertolongan pertama ini.

picture source and detail from here.


abhi said...

Hi This a very good piece of information

mami vaya said...

Kesannya sepele ya, tp berguna banged....

lidya said...

info yang sangat penting nih. thx ya

CichaMamaShaina said...

aduh, ngilu deh ngebayangin ginian :(
semoga gak ada hal2 aneh yang terjadi sama anak2 dan orang terdekat kita ya..

thanks for sharing..

Sylvia, Jake and Matt said...

Makanya anak kecil disini kalau makan grapes, grapesnya perlu dibelah

Y u L i a said...

wah berguna bgt tuh CPR nya, secara di indo kan ga ada pengetahuan ttg CPR..
kemaren denger juga dari temen, ada anak yg makan jeli juga kejadiannya sama ky gt en anaknya ga selamat...
btw, thx for the info ^^