lengkap sudah kedongkolan hari ini!
tadi lin bilang padaku gini:
tante v bilang, dia dapat feeling anak kita baby girl.
kata mama pergi USG, kalo cewek digugurin aja.
kata tante v juga kalo cewek gugurin aja.
dulu pas gua keluar dari rumah sakit setelah melahirkan Crystal, kata-kata ini juga pernah tercetus dari mulutnya. tapi gak terang2an, dia cuman bilang, "ntar pas hamil yang kedua, kira-kira dah 4-5 bulan, pergi USG." sudah pasti maksud implisitnya, kalo ketauan cewek, gugurin.
sinting! sakit jiwa si mak mertuaku dan si tante itu!!!!
di sini USG gak bakal dikasih tau bayinya cewek atau cowok. konsekuensinya si petugas bakal kena pecat. tapi gak seketat itu juga sih. kalo ada yang dikenal, bisa aja dikasih tau, tapi secara diam2 ngasih taunya. ipar gua yg di sini memang ada kenal petugas USG dan dulu ngasih tau anaknya cowok. ipar gua sendiri udah 3 kali melakukan aborsi. (oh..bukan karena ketauan jenis kelaminnya, tapi karena 2 kali yang pertama sebelum resepsi pernikahan; walau mereka dah menikah di catatan sipil, terus yang sekali lagi karena kebobolan sementara cuman boleh jatah 1 anak).
gua dah nyaris 5 bulan. gila apa ngegugurin janin usia 5 bulan?!!! jangankan 5 bulan, baru hamil 1 hari aja dan even bisa tau cewek pun gak bakal gua gugurin! sudah sakit yah orang-orang ini?!!!
gua bilang ke lin gini,
yah udah, ntar kalo cewek, gua gak balik ke china aja sekalian!
gua tau lin ngarepin sih yang kedua kalo diberi...yah cowok lebih baik. tapi kalopun cewek, dia gak akan mempermasalahkan.
pikiran gua, kalo memang anak gua cewek (lebih baik memang cewek aja.. supaya menjadi nyatalah kata-kata dan ramalan mereka! sekalian aja bisa alih profesi jadi paranormal) dan mertua gua gak suka, what the hell... i have my own life! gua lebih baik tinggal misah dari orang2 sakit jiwa gini dan gua rawat sendiri anak gua, daripada capek hati kayak gini ntarnya.
pernah tuh, gua bilang ke lin, cewek atau cowok kan tergantung elo; nyumbangnya kromosom x atau y ke gua. mak mertua gua langsung nyeletuk, "belum tentu!" (maksud dia .. belom tentu faktor yang nentuin jenis kelamin bayi berasal dari suami). terus lin bilang, "udah pasti. ini scientific kok." terus mertua gua diam.
terus terang sedikit banyak ada rasa menyesal menikah, bukan.. bukan karena lin, tapi karena keluarganya!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
makan malam
gua emang biasa yang sering terakhir makan kalo dah jam makan malam. biasa, ngurus makan si kecil dulu yang susahnya minta ampun. orang rumah suka bilang, lo makan dulu, ntar baru nyuapin dia. lah... si Crystal kan gitu, kalo gua makan duluan, suka narik2in tangan gua minta temani main. kalo disuapin, kalo memang dia belom lapar, yah udah gak bakal buka mulut.
memang nasib kali yah kalo makan keluarga besar gitu, gua dan suami, kedua mertua, kedua ipar, dan neneknya suami, plus dua anak kecil. kalo makan terakhir suka gak kebagian lauk jadinya, alias dapat sisa. sebenarnya gua gak terlalu mempermasalahkan dg makanan sisa.
tapi yang kadang suka bikin jengkel yah... gak tanggung2... makanan suka gak disisain, alias kalo makan gak nimbang ada yang belom makan gitu.... sisa pun itu memang kalo bener2 gak habis.
dua malam ini kekesalan gua lagi memuncak. gak tau napa... bawaannya gampang kesal belakangan ini. mungkin efek dari pregnancy.
pertama, malam kemarin, semua dah makan, meja dah mulai dirapiin. gua baru mau makan setelah nyuapin si kecil semangkuk bubur. tadinya masih mikir mau nyuapin sayur. eh... pas lihat di meja makan, sayurnya udah dicampurkan ke tahu pedes. dongkol aja gua, jadinya si kecil gak kebagian sayur,padahal dia suka sayur. dan bikin dongkol lagi, dua jenis makanan ini berbeda. kok main dicampur aja. gua jadi gak napsu makan pas ngelihatnya! gua sempat ngedumel di depan suami pas yang lain lagi gak ada. kata suami, dan juga bikin dongkol, "enak kok dicampur gitu!"
lah.. kalo enak dicampur gitu, kenapa gak dari awal aja sebelum makan, langsung aja dicampur, kenapa mesti dipisah2?
kedua, malam ini, gua akhirnya menyerah, gak nyuapin si kecil.. ntar aja maleman dikit pas dia lapar. dan gua siap2 mau makan. eh tahunya tumis kacang panjang dah nyaris habis, disisain cuman kira2 6 pentulan korek api. ini sih buat nyumpelin gigi aja. terus tumis terong nya juga hanya bersisa satu sendok makan. udah gitu mau digabungi lagi, tapi langsung gua cegah. terus mertua sambil nyeletuk, "gak tau lo senangnya makan apa. cuman sisa dikit. toh lo juga gak makan banyak2." kira-kira aja, nyisain kedua jenis sayur masing2 1 sendok makan ... iya, orang hamil tuh gak butuh makan banyak...glek ! rada esmosi juga sih gua !
ada sih tumis kentang agak banyakan dikit, yang dari dulu gua gak pernah nyentuh kalo mereka masak, karena memang gua gak pernah doyan.
yah gitu deh, jadinya lagi-lagi gak nafsu makan.
cuman yah gitu ... makan kok gak ingat2 ada yang belom makan yah... tapi gua males aja untuk ngebahas atau ngingetin gitu. toh udah pada bukan anak kecil.
masalah nyisain hanya sedikit itu gak cuman sekali dua kali. udah hal biasa, dan malah kadang ada yang gak bersisa, jadi gak sempat gua sentuh sama sekali.
memang nasib kali yah kalo makan keluarga besar gitu, gua dan suami, kedua mertua, kedua ipar, dan neneknya suami, plus dua anak kecil. kalo makan terakhir suka gak kebagian lauk jadinya, alias dapat sisa. sebenarnya gua gak terlalu mempermasalahkan dg makanan sisa.
tapi yang kadang suka bikin jengkel yah... gak tanggung2... makanan suka gak disisain, alias kalo makan gak nimbang ada yang belom makan gitu.... sisa pun itu memang kalo bener2 gak habis.
dua malam ini kekesalan gua lagi memuncak. gak tau napa... bawaannya gampang kesal belakangan ini. mungkin efek dari pregnancy.
pertama, malam kemarin, semua dah makan, meja dah mulai dirapiin. gua baru mau makan setelah nyuapin si kecil semangkuk bubur. tadinya masih mikir mau nyuapin sayur. eh... pas lihat di meja makan, sayurnya udah dicampurkan ke tahu pedes. dongkol aja gua, jadinya si kecil gak kebagian sayur,padahal dia suka sayur. dan bikin dongkol lagi, dua jenis makanan ini berbeda. kok main dicampur aja. gua jadi gak napsu makan pas ngelihatnya! gua sempat ngedumel di depan suami pas yang lain lagi gak ada. kata suami, dan juga bikin dongkol, "enak kok dicampur gitu!"
lah.. kalo enak dicampur gitu, kenapa gak dari awal aja sebelum makan, langsung aja dicampur, kenapa mesti dipisah2?
kedua, malam ini, gua akhirnya menyerah, gak nyuapin si kecil.. ntar aja maleman dikit pas dia lapar. dan gua siap2 mau makan. eh tahunya tumis kacang panjang dah nyaris habis, disisain cuman kira2 6 pentulan korek api. ini sih buat nyumpelin gigi aja. terus tumis terong nya juga hanya bersisa satu sendok makan. udah gitu mau digabungi lagi, tapi langsung gua cegah. terus mertua sambil nyeletuk, "gak tau lo senangnya makan apa. cuman sisa dikit. toh lo juga gak makan banyak2." kira-kira aja, nyisain kedua jenis sayur masing2 1 sendok makan ... iya, orang hamil tuh gak butuh makan banyak...glek ! rada esmosi juga sih gua !
ada sih tumis kentang agak banyakan dikit, yang dari dulu gua gak pernah nyentuh kalo mereka masak, karena memang gua gak pernah doyan.
yah gitu deh, jadinya lagi-lagi gak nafsu makan.
cuman yah gitu ... makan kok gak ingat2 ada yang belom makan yah... tapi gua males aja untuk ngebahas atau ngingetin gitu. toh udah pada bukan anak kecil.
masalah nyisain hanya sedikit itu gak cuman sekali dua kali. udah hal biasa, dan malah kadang ada yang gak bersisa, jadi gak sempat gua sentuh sama sekali.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
surfer lagi cacat - crystal habis demam
lagi-lagi gak bisa blog walking ke semua yg beralamatkan blogspot; udah nyaris 3 mingguan. =(
di komputer kantor maupun komputer rumah, sama aja. bisanya cuman ke blogger dashboard.
belakangan ini juga agak sibuk... gak sempat update-update.
terus jadi gak bisa ngintip tetangga nih, juga gak tau update-an terbaru. huek ... =(
mingu-minggu lalu ada kejadian jelek nih.
habis overtime, pulang rumah, pas turun dari taxi, terburu2 nutup pintu. telunjuk kanan gua kejepit. aduh mak...suaaaakitnya minta ampun. udah gitu dasar gua lemot, telat bereaksi, baru sekian detik nyadar buat buka pintu dan membebaskan jariku yang terjepit.
waktu itu sekitar jam 8-an, belom makan malam. nyaris tepar ! langsung cari tempat duduk di toko roti. alamak, sakitnya minta ampun deh! sampai sekarang udah nyaris 3 minggu, masih tersisa rasa sakitnya, dan kukupun jadi item.
duh .. malangnya telunjukku !
anakku yang manis
sabtu sore yang baru lalu..
udah capek nih nemani Crystal main sepanjang hari sampai sore. duh... kok gak tidur-tidur siang juga nih yah, dah jam 4 sore lewat. batal sudah rencana mau pergi check up. hari jumat sempat planning mau bawa serta dia juga, tapi suami ada urusan, jadi batal rencana mau bawa dia bareng check up. eh, pas lagi merasa capek gitu, tau-tau Crystal nepuk-nepuk tempat tidur great-grandma di kamar tengah dan bilang:
"mama baring sebentar. mama sudah capek, ada adek bayi."
duh... terharunya diriku, sambil bilang, "OK, mama baring dulu bentar yah."
habis itu dia ngiter-ngiter main sendiri dan gak mengusik mamanya. yah cuman bentar sih, soalnya gak tega biarin dia main-main sendiri.
akhirnya baru jam 7 malam dia minta tidur "siang". pusing gak sih ... !
ketularan flu
ada bule German di company gua yang datang dari Thailand, bawa virus flu. pertama2 nular ke operation manager, terus nular ke IT, gua dan GM gua; besoknya Accounting tempat gua kena ketularan gua dan langsung demam. heehehe...
untung 4 hari dah sembuh.
sayangnya ....
si kecil demam
... sayangnya si Crystal kayaknya malah jadi ketularan gua. kemarin pagi dia kena demam.
biarpun demam tetap sweet. kata oma, seharian gak rewel sama sekali. paling tiduran di kamar atau baringan di sofa. pas makan siang, masuk ke kamar oma, naik ke ranjang dan tidur sendiri. diekori si Smarty, yang bilang, "adek... makan siang. adek..makan siang. pukul pantatmu kalo gak makan." hehehehe... ! lucu yah ...padahal Smarty juga ogah makan siang itu.
kata oma lagi, Crystal mirip papanya waktu kecil, kalo sakit yah udah, diem dan anteng aja, gak pernah rewel, paling gak mau makan aja.
pas mama pulang udah langsung lincah, biarpun masih demam, udah lari ke sana ke mari main bola karet bersama Smarty; nyusun-nyusun sandal dan sepatu, dan minta jalan2. juga mau makan saat dibujuk-bujuk dikit. hasilnya semangkuk bubur, setengah mangkuk kaldu ayam, darah beku, ampela dan sebelah sayap ayam. lumayan ...!
udah gitu pakai bilang, "aku sedang sakit. aku kena pilek," tapi tampangnya sih gak kayak orang sakit. malam juga masih lincah dan on terus sampai nyaris mid-nite. udah dibujuk-bujuk buat tidur, tapi masih mau main.
tengah malam tadi dikasih obat pilek dan penurun panas. sempat nangis2 dan minta gendong ama nenek .. hehehee... subuh ini sih udah gak demam lagi. belom tau siang ini, belom nelpon ke rumah.
sampai di rumah sorenya, teryata Crystal udah total sembuh. syukurlah!
jadi ingat 2 hari sebelumnya, dia sempat bilang, "mama, Jing-jing sakit kepala." tapi habis ngomong, dia ngelanjutin main-main dan lincah aja. jadi kupikir, mungkin asal bunyi aja kali. sekarang setelah dipikir-pikir, mungkin memang waktu itu dia memang sakit kepala (gejala awal mau kena flu)
bentar lagi ultah
tiap hari mama akan ngajakin Crystal count-down buat hari ultah keduanya, sambil nyoretin kalender dan ngitung ultahnya tinggal berapa hari lagi.
kalo ditanya,
ultahnya bulan enam tanggal berapa?
Crystal : bulan enam tanggal tiga puluh.
mau minta dibeliin apa?
Crystal : beli kue ulang tahun.
terus beli apa lagi?
Crystal : do-re-mi. (maksudnya mainan yang ada musik do-re-mi nya. bulan lalu sempat lihat-lihat alat musik sederhana yang pake batere).
di komputer kantor maupun komputer rumah, sama aja. bisanya cuman ke blogger dashboard.
belakangan ini juga agak sibuk... gak sempat update-update.
terus jadi gak bisa ngintip tetangga nih, juga gak tau update-an terbaru. huek ... =(
mingu-minggu lalu ada kejadian jelek nih.
habis overtime, pulang rumah, pas turun dari taxi, terburu2 nutup pintu. telunjuk kanan gua kejepit. aduh mak...suaaaakitnya minta ampun. udah gitu dasar gua lemot, telat bereaksi, baru sekian detik nyadar buat buka pintu dan membebaskan jariku yang terjepit.
waktu itu sekitar jam 8-an, belom makan malam. nyaris tepar ! langsung cari tempat duduk di toko roti. alamak, sakitnya minta ampun deh! sampai sekarang udah nyaris 3 minggu, masih tersisa rasa sakitnya, dan kukupun jadi item.
duh .. malangnya telunjukku !
anakku yang manis
sabtu sore yang baru lalu..
udah capek nih nemani Crystal main sepanjang hari sampai sore. duh... kok gak tidur-tidur siang juga nih yah, dah jam 4 sore lewat. batal sudah rencana mau pergi check up. hari jumat sempat planning mau bawa serta dia juga, tapi suami ada urusan, jadi batal rencana mau bawa dia bareng check up. eh, pas lagi merasa capek gitu, tau-tau Crystal nepuk-nepuk tempat tidur great-grandma di kamar tengah dan bilang:
"mama baring sebentar. mama sudah capek, ada adek bayi."
duh... terharunya diriku, sambil bilang, "OK, mama baring dulu bentar yah."
habis itu dia ngiter-ngiter main sendiri dan gak mengusik mamanya. yah cuman bentar sih, soalnya gak tega biarin dia main-main sendiri.
akhirnya baru jam 7 malam dia minta tidur "siang". pusing gak sih ... !
ketularan flu
ada bule German di company gua yang datang dari Thailand, bawa virus flu. pertama2 nular ke operation manager, terus nular ke IT, gua dan GM gua; besoknya Accounting tempat gua kena ketularan gua dan langsung demam. heehehe...
untung 4 hari dah sembuh.
sayangnya ....
si kecil demam
... sayangnya si Crystal kayaknya malah jadi ketularan gua. kemarin pagi dia kena demam.
biarpun demam tetap sweet. kata oma, seharian gak rewel sama sekali. paling tiduran di kamar atau baringan di sofa. pas makan siang, masuk ke kamar oma, naik ke ranjang dan tidur sendiri. diekori si Smarty, yang bilang, "adek... makan siang. adek..makan siang. pukul pantatmu kalo gak makan." hehehehe... ! lucu yah ...padahal Smarty juga ogah makan siang itu.
kata oma lagi, Crystal mirip papanya waktu kecil, kalo sakit yah udah, diem dan anteng aja, gak pernah rewel, paling gak mau makan aja.
pas mama pulang udah langsung lincah, biarpun masih demam, udah lari ke sana ke mari main bola karet bersama Smarty; nyusun-nyusun sandal dan sepatu, dan minta jalan2. juga mau makan saat dibujuk-bujuk dikit. hasilnya semangkuk bubur, setengah mangkuk kaldu ayam, darah beku, ampela dan sebelah sayap ayam. lumayan ...!
udah gitu pakai bilang, "aku sedang sakit. aku kena pilek," tapi tampangnya sih gak kayak orang sakit. malam juga masih lincah dan on terus sampai nyaris mid-nite. udah dibujuk-bujuk buat tidur, tapi masih mau main.
tengah malam tadi dikasih obat pilek dan penurun panas. sempat nangis2 dan minta gendong ama nenek .. hehehee... subuh ini sih udah gak demam lagi. belom tau siang ini, belom nelpon ke rumah.
sampai di rumah sorenya, teryata Crystal udah total sembuh. syukurlah!
jadi ingat 2 hari sebelumnya, dia sempat bilang, "mama, Jing-jing sakit kepala." tapi habis ngomong, dia ngelanjutin main-main dan lincah aja. jadi kupikir, mungkin asal bunyi aja kali. sekarang setelah dipikir-pikir, mungkin memang waktu itu dia memang sakit kepala (gejala awal mau kena flu)
bentar lagi ultah
tiap hari mama akan ngajakin Crystal count-down buat hari ultah keduanya, sambil nyoretin kalender dan ngitung ultahnya tinggal berapa hari lagi.
kalo ditanya,
ultahnya bulan enam tanggal berapa?
Crystal : bulan enam tanggal tiga puluh.
mau minta dibeliin apa?
Crystal : beli kue ulang tahun.
terus beli apa lagi?
Crystal : do-re-mi. (maksudnya mainan yang ada musik do-re-mi nya. bulan lalu sempat lihat-lihat alat musik sederhana yang pake batere).
.. Crystal
Monday, June 18, 2007
manusia yg menyebalkan di kantor
menyebalkan sekali ketika lo punya ide atas sesuatu pekerjaan dan sedang mencoba merealisasikannya, tahu-tahu seorang rekan kantor yg tahu ttg ide ini tiba2 mengambil alih tanpa ijin dulu, dan langsung memberitahukan ke departemen lain bahwa dia akan mengerjakan hal itu. kemudian, ketika dia mengerjakannya, dia akan men-cc ke boss termasuk file yg udah lo bikin sebelumnya (lewat email). sehingga para boss berpikir bahwa itu ide dan hasil kerjaannya dia.
demikian juga saat ada laporan kunjungan yg dah lo bikin, dan karena kunjungan bareng si orang bersangkutan, terus lo minta cross check dan tolong kirim (krn gak bisa akses email).
tau2 nama lo yg tercantum sbg penulis report dia delete begitu aja, jadi seolah2 report tsb dia yg tulis.
wah ... betul2 jenis manusia yang menyebalkan yah!
pelajaran yg gua dapat kali ini, kalo ada ide didiskusikan seperlunya aja. kerjain, realisasikan dan submit dengan gerak cepat.
demikian juga saat ada laporan kunjungan yg dah lo bikin, dan karena kunjungan bareng si orang bersangkutan, terus lo minta cross check dan tolong kirim (krn gak bisa akses email).
tau2 nama lo yg tercantum sbg penulis report dia delete begitu aja, jadi seolah2 report tsb dia yg tulis.
wah ... betul2 jenis manusia yang menyebalkan yah!
pelajaran yg gua dapat kali ini, kalo ada ide didiskusikan seperlunya aja. kerjain, realisasikan dan submit dengan gerak cepat.
... this is life,
at work
Monday, June 11, 2007
conversation: wash dishes, call mama, miss daddy and biscuit time
wash dishes
crystal : mama, what are you doing yah? (she likes to ask this question to anybody, with the 'yah')
mama : washing dishes.
crystal : mama, dont wash dishes. carry Jing-jing up. Grandma washes dishes.
g'ma : oh you little thing, so you arrange what we big people do, huh?
crystal : eeh...mama, dont wash dishes!
mama : okey ... okey ... ! mama is done already! (left several pieces to grandma and carry this little thing up).
call mama (as grandma told)
that day, mama came home 30 minutes late than usual. auntie had already arrived home.
crystal : (to grandma) get xiao ling tong (telkom flexi). call mama. ask mama to come home.
g'ma : my dear, grandma doesnt know your mama's number.
crystal : grandpa calls mama.
g'ma : grandpa is busy preparing dinner (gave the phone to her).
crystal : hello ... mama...come home quickly.
miss daddy (also as grandma told)
daddy was out for duty to Shenzhen for 5 days.
crystal : (to grandma) get daddy's photo. get daddy's photo.
g'ma : (looked for daddy's photo but couldnt find it) my dear, grandma doesnt know where daddy's photo is.
crystal : mama knows.
g'ma : mama will get daddy's photo for you when mama arrives home, ok?
crystal : ok.
g'ma : (thought this kid must have missed her daddy). where does your daddy go?
crystal : to Shenzhen, by plane.
biscuit time
crystal and mama were having afternoon tea with butter cream biscuit. crystal took one and separated the biscuit.
crystal : this is jing-jing's (took the one with butter cream) and this is mama's (gave the other side without butter cream to mama, then dip into the tea).
mama : thank you, Jing-jing.
crystal : (after eating it, took another pieces, separated it again.. happened several times). this is jing-jing's, this is mama's.
mama : mama wants that one with butter cream.
crystal : this is half. (maybe she meant: she only had half, couldnt share with mama.. lol)
mama : yes, mama wants that one.
crystal : this is half. (with convincing expression . .wah pelit nih..hehehe..)
mama : yes, mama wants that half.
crystal : (took another piece which hadn't been separated and gave to mama). this is for mama.
later on ... great-grandma woke up from her nap.
mama : Jing-jing, give this biscuit for Tai-tai. ask Tai-tai to eat the biscuit.
crystal : (handle the biscuit to great-grandma). Tai-tai .. eat biscuit.
g-g'ma : oh, xie xie Jing-jing !
mama : Jing-jing, was the biscuit delicious?
crystal : delicious.
mama : we have eaten it up. next time when mama comes back from office, mama will buy again for you, ok?
crystal : buy it together with Jingjing.
mama : ok, buy it together with Jingjing.
crystal : buy one tin. don't buy much.
mama : (*smile*) you mean buy one pack? you know, one tin is very much. come here, mama show you how much one tin is. (pointing an old biscuit tin to her)
cyrstal : buy one pack. don't buy much.
mama : ok, we will buy one pack.
crystal : ok!
crystal : mama, what are you doing yah? (she likes to ask this question to anybody, with the 'yah')
mama : washing dishes.
crystal : mama, dont wash dishes. carry Jing-jing up. Grandma washes dishes.
g'ma : oh you little thing, so you arrange what we big people do, huh?
crystal : eeh...mama, dont wash dishes!
mama : okey ... okey ... ! mama is done already! (left several pieces to grandma and carry this little thing up).
call mama (as grandma told)
that day, mama came home 30 minutes late than usual. auntie had already arrived home.
crystal : (to grandma) get xiao ling tong (telkom flexi). call mama. ask mama to come home.
g'ma : my dear, grandma doesnt know your mama's number.
crystal : grandpa calls mama.
g'ma : grandpa is busy preparing dinner (gave the phone to her).
crystal : hello ... mama...come home quickly.
miss daddy (also as grandma told)
daddy was out for duty to Shenzhen for 5 days.
crystal : (to grandma) get daddy's photo. get daddy's photo.
g'ma : (looked for daddy's photo but couldnt find it) my dear, grandma doesnt know where daddy's photo is.
crystal : mama knows.
g'ma : mama will get daddy's photo for you when mama arrives home, ok?
crystal : ok.
g'ma : (thought this kid must have missed her daddy). where does your daddy go?
crystal : to Shenzhen, by plane.
biscuit time
crystal and mama were having afternoon tea with butter cream biscuit. crystal took one and separated the biscuit.
crystal : this is jing-jing's (took the one with butter cream) and this is mama's (gave the other side without butter cream to mama, then dip into the tea).
mama : thank you, Jing-jing.
crystal : (after eating it, took another pieces, separated it again.. happened several times). this is jing-jing's, this is mama's.
mama : mama wants that one with butter cream.
crystal : this is half. (maybe she meant: she only had half, couldnt share with mama.. lol)
mama : yes, mama wants that one.
crystal : this is half. (with convincing expression . .wah pelit nih..hehehe..)
mama : yes, mama wants that half.
crystal : (took another piece which hadn't been separated and gave to mama). this is for mama.
later on ... great-grandma woke up from her nap.
mama : Jing-jing, give this biscuit for Tai-tai. ask Tai-tai to eat the biscuit.
crystal : (handle the biscuit to great-grandma). Tai-tai .. eat biscuit.
g-g'ma : oh, xie xie Jing-jing !
mama : Jing-jing, was the biscuit delicious?
crystal : delicious.
mama : we have eaten it up. next time when mama comes back from office, mama will buy again for you, ok?
crystal : buy it together with Jingjing.
mama : ok, buy it together with Jingjing.
crystal : buy one tin. don't buy much.
mama : (*smile*) you mean buy one pack? you know, one tin is very much. come here, mama show you how much one tin is. (pointing an old biscuit tin to her)
cyrstal : buy one pack. don't buy much.
mama : ok, we will buy one pack.
crystal : ok!
.. Crystal,
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
3rd anniversary
it's our third anniversary. last nite, we had dinner outside together with our lill Crystal. the three of us had great time together.
hmm... cannot express my feeling in romantic words. just hope our relation and love grow stronger each day. it's still long journey ahead for both of us, rite?
we'll keep on learning to be the better us each day.
today, Lin is going to Shenzhen, will only go back until Saturday afternoon.
just called him, he's at the airport with his flight pending for 1 hour.
rocking chair
grandpa has just bought a rattan rocking chair for grandma. however, there is some smell on the chair, so we put it at the balcony to diminish the smell. on Sunday, i pointed at the chair to Crystal and telling her, "it's rocking chair. do not stay closer, it has smell on it. not good for our health."
daddy said that after lunch, Smarty was playing with the rocking chair at the balcony. Crystal stayed inside the bedroom and said, "do not stay closer. it has smell on it." and she didnt go any closer to the chair. again, what she said surprising grandma... hehehehe...
good cool girl, remembers and follows mommy's words! =)
it's our third anniversary. last nite, we had dinner outside together with our lill Crystal. the three of us had great time together.
hmm... cannot express my feeling in romantic words. just hope our relation and love grow stronger each day. it's still long journey ahead for both of us, rite?
we'll keep on learning to be the better us each day.
today, Lin is going to Shenzhen, will only go back until Saturday afternoon.
just called him, he's at the airport with his flight pending for 1 hour.
rocking chair
grandpa has just bought a rattan rocking chair for grandma. however, there is some smell on the chair, so we put it at the balcony to diminish the smell. on Sunday, i pointed at the chair to Crystal and telling her, "it's rocking chair. do not stay closer, it has smell on it. not good for our health."
daddy said that after lunch, Smarty was playing with the rocking chair at the balcony. Crystal stayed inside the bedroom and said, "do not stay closer. it has smell on it." and she didnt go any closer to the chair. again, what she said surprising grandma... hehehehe...
good cool girl, remembers and follows mommy's words! =)
Monday, June 04, 2007
conversation and comments
sunday morning, 7am, Crystal and mom just woke up.
daddy was still sleeping.
Crystal: little lazy worm, still not waking up.
7.30am, daddy woke up, went to toilet, then lied back again on the bed.
Crystal: little lazy worm, you still want to sleep.
Grandma just mop the floor, put 2 stools in front of the TV set. Crystal saw a stool.
Crystal: stool is not put in its place. (then she took the stool and put it aside).
Crystal, mom and dad just came back from Carrefour.
mom put all the things to its place, folded the plastic bags and put into the drawer.
mom lied down on the sofa.
Grandma just took the watermelon out of its plastic bag.
Crystal: there is one more plastic bag not being folded. (took the plastic bag and gave to mommy)
Crystal: mama rest for a while now. (after mommy folded the plastic bag and gave to her)
bed time.
mommy: Jing-jing, look, there is a hole on mama's pants. oooh ... mama doesnt have pants to wear anymore. oh, poor mama!
Crystal : Jing-jing buys new pants for mama.
mommy: oh, thank you, darling. (*kiss*) where do you get the money?
Crystal : from the pocket (pointing on her pocket)
mommy: where does the money in your pocket come from?
Crystal : from the plane (the horsy ride rhyme, paying money after taking a plane)
mommy: where does the money on the plane come from?
Crystal : eh..eh..eh.. (*thinking*) .. from mama's pocket.
mommy: what (chinese) zodiac do you belong to?
Crystal : rooster
mommy: no, mama thinks it's egg.
Crystal : no, rooster.
mommy: what about mama, what zodiac?
Crystal : egg.
mommy: wrong. what's mama's zodiac? (similar answer and question for around 5 times or so)
Crystal : egg.
mommy: wrong, not egg. what is mama's zodiac?
Crystal : ox (*finally!*)
mommy: correct! and what's daddy's?
Crystal : dragon
mommy: correct! and what's auntie's ?
Crystal : dragon, same as daddy.
mommy: what about uncle?
Crystal : ox, same as mama.
mommy: what's grandpa's?
Crystal : pig
mommy: what about grandma's ?
Crystal : rat
mommy: what about Smarty?
Crystal : monkey
mommy: and grandaunt?
Crystal : monkey, same as Smarty.
oh ya, jumat maren, gua terharu sekali. pas mau berangkat kerja, gua pakai jaket diliatin si kecil. udara di luar rada dingin. sehabis itu dia dicium dan dipamitin, dan tumben2nya .. gak nangis lho, malah dadah-dadah sama maknya. wah nak... apa besok-besoknya juga akan gitu?
terus sorenya kedua bocah dibeliin baju dan kue tart oleh opa dalam rangka hari anak-anak.
daddy was still sleeping.
Crystal: little lazy worm, still not waking up.
7.30am, daddy woke up, went to toilet, then lied back again on the bed.
Crystal: little lazy worm, you still want to sleep.
Grandma just mop the floor, put 2 stools in front of the TV set. Crystal saw a stool.
Crystal: stool is not put in its place. (then she took the stool and put it aside).
Crystal, mom and dad just came back from Carrefour.
mom put all the things to its place, folded the plastic bags and put into the drawer.
mom lied down on the sofa.
Grandma just took the watermelon out of its plastic bag.
Crystal: there is one more plastic bag not being folded. (took the plastic bag and gave to mommy)
Crystal: mama rest for a while now. (after mommy folded the plastic bag and gave to her)
bed time.
mommy: Jing-jing, look, there is a hole on mama's pants. oooh ... mama doesnt have pants to wear anymore. oh, poor mama!
Crystal : Jing-jing buys new pants for mama.
mommy: oh, thank you, darling. (*kiss*) where do you get the money?
Crystal : from the pocket (pointing on her pocket)
mommy: where does the money in your pocket come from?
Crystal : from the plane (the horsy ride rhyme, paying money after taking a plane)
mommy: where does the money on the plane come from?
Crystal : eh..eh..eh.. (*thinking*) .. from mama's pocket.
mommy: what (chinese) zodiac do you belong to?
Crystal : rooster
mommy: no, mama thinks it's egg.
Crystal : no, rooster.
mommy: what about mama, what zodiac?
Crystal : egg.
mommy: wrong. what's mama's zodiac? (similar answer and question for around 5 times or so)
Crystal : egg.
mommy: wrong, not egg. what is mama's zodiac?
Crystal : ox (*finally!*)
mommy: correct! and what's daddy's?
Crystal : dragon
mommy: correct! and what's auntie's ?
Crystal : dragon, same as daddy.
mommy: what about uncle?
Crystal : ox, same as mama.
mommy: what's grandpa's?
Crystal : pig
mommy: what about grandma's ?
Crystal : rat
mommy: what about Smarty?
Crystal : monkey
mommy: and grandaunt?
Crystal : monkey, same as Smarty.
oh ya, jumat maren, gua terharu sekali. pas mau berangkat kerja, gua pakai jaket diliatin si kecil. udara di luar rada dingin. sehabis itu dia dicium dan dipamitin, dan tumben2nya .. gak nangis lho, malah dadah-dadah sama maknya. wah nak... apa besok-besoknya juga akan gitu?
terus sorenya kedua bocah dibeliin baju dan kue tart oleh opa dalam rangka hari anak-anak.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
23 months
Crystal is 23 months today
time really flies. my lil girl is approaching her 2nd bday now.
some development within this month:
* successfull potty training. now she could tell us if she wants to pee or poop. or she will go to the potty by herself. of course there is still some pee accident sometimes, especially when she's doing something else. one poop accident at 3am in the morning. at that time, Crystal said,"pee." but actually she had had poop in her panty. after pee, she would take the wipe cloth and wipe by herself. we didnt ask her to do it, she wanted to do by herself.
* first time trying to pee by standing up because of seeing Smarty (her cousin). mommy told Crystal that Smarty is a boy, same as daddy, will stand while having a pee. while Crystal is a girl, same as mommy and grandma will sit on toilet or potty when having a pee. after that, she never tries to stand up anymore. she also would sometimes repeat what mommy has told her, like this, "smarty is a boy, having a pee by standing up."
* nap and night training. star
ting May 07, Crystal doesnt wear diaper during sleep. but of course mommy has to wake up once or twice in the middle of the night to let her pee. sometimes if mommy is over tired and forgets to wake up, she will have the pee accident. usually mommy will bring her to pee on (1) 00.30 or 1am; (2) another 2 hours, which is around 2 or 3am; (3) between 6 to 7.30. sometimes if around 6 am mommy brings her to pee, she will say, "no pee. no pee." actually this could be started even earlier. but mommy was lazy to do it, especially during winter. summer time is more suitable. sometimes she will copy what mama often says to her: 'should not pee on the bed. have to wash it and dry it. very troublesome.'
* signing. Crystal now can understand about a chinese game "scissors, stone and cloth." 剪刀,石头,布. where scissors win over cloth, cloth wins over stone, and stone wins over scissors. if or example she wins, she will pinch her play-mate's nose. of course we let her win and let her lose sometimes. Crystal can also make "chinese" sign language with 5 fingers from 1 to 10; can express "i love you" with "korean" signing. some simple sign language that she already knew before were like: no, yes, goodbye, kiss-bye, come here.
* know the character 'jing' 晶 (crystal, for her nickname) and 'dian' 电 (electricity). this happen because we've just bought an LCD tv this month. on the packaging carton, she can see this two chinese characters.
* start to be able to differ long and short, tall and low, little and many, front and back. previously she could differ big and small. it happened that grandpa asked her to compare grandpa and grandma's feet. after pondering for few seconds, she said, 'it's the same size.' though we thought probably she would tell which one was bigger.
* know and can decide on something she wants or wants to do; can refuse by saying that she doesnt want to do this or that. Crystal can tell mom, 'dont want to wear diaper.' Crystal will say, 'it's not delicious' when she eats something and she doesnt like it. ask to wear certain cloth, a red t-shirt with a tiger on it is her most favorite one.
* have her own idea or own way for solving problem. on the book it teaches to give certain amount of peaches to certain numbers of monkey. mommy will point picture of 3 peaches and imaginarily takes on peach and feeds it to one monkey, one by one until all 3 monkeys are fed. but Crystal will do in different way, she takes the 3 peaches together at one time then feed it also at one time to 3 monkeys... a short cut. hahaha..!
* start to use 'i' or 'me'. few months ago she could use 'i' or 'me' for around 3 sentences like: 'mama, pull me up', 'mama, carry me up', and 'i love you'. now Crystal can use it in more sentences like: let me see, let me hang it, how are you? I'm Liu Hui Han, etc. but she still uses 'Jing-jing' more often to address herself; or sometimes she uses 'you'. so mommy will remind her often that it's i or me instead of 'you'. sometimes she will copy what mommy says to her by saying, "Jingjing says 'me', mama says 'you'."
* good habits. if mommy feeds her something with a spoon, like ice cream or fruit jelly, after finishing it, she will throw the empty container to the trash bin and brings the spoon into the kitchen. one day, grandma was eating tomato and gave a small slice to her, but it dropped on the floor. she told grandma that it dropped on the floor. mommy gave Crystal a piece of tissue paper, then Crystal wiped the tomato and threw it into the trash bin. there was once Crystal reminded mommy to put the knife back to its place. Mommy would sometimes remind and praise her for that, she then will say, "very dangerous. can hurt fingers," and pointing at her own forefinger. after drinking her milk, she will put the bottle on its usual place.
* wear sandals or shoes by herself, seldom makes mistakes on which is the left or right side.
* always cries if mommy wants to go to work, sometimes will hug mommy's leg or says, 'mama, dont go to work.'
* ride a bike (with additional 2 small wheels at the back side). but since the bike is quite big, she cannot make a full round 'ride' on her feet. already can turn left or right by herself, and can go to the place that mommy points her to.

* jump with 2 feet stepping together on the ground. the height is around 15cm.
* put coin into the kiddy ride. when going to the play ground, she will run to the kiddy rides and climbs up, and asks for money to be put into the kiddy ride. but if mommy says that mommy doesnt bring any money, she will not insist.
* dance. lately grandma likes to dance. sometimes mommy dances with grandma, then she follows and wants mommy to hold her hands, so we dance together by counting 1,2,3 ... 1,2,3 ... when listens to music, she also likes to dance with her own way.
* drink soup with a spoon, hold the spoon quite stable for the soup.
* drink with a glass or cup without dripping off
* start to tell time, but not perfectly. usually 7.30, 10.30, 7 o'clock, 1 o'clock. but still often makes mistakes on it.
* like to change other words including text in a song with 'mama' (remember 'smurf'?). for example if we ask her what's our phone number, she will answer like this, "55 66 mama." a part of song lyrics 'somebody that loves me' becomes 'mama that loves me'. poop also becomes 'mama' ... lol. and many others.
* sing chinese rhyme; like this :
ride ride horsy ride, ride to grandma's house
where is grandma's house? in indonesia
how to go there? by a plane
how does a plane sound like? booom...booomm...booom..
flies over a mountain, flies over the ocean.. arrive now.
how much to pay? 5 yuan. 3000 yuan. put into the pocket.
little rabbit, white so white.
two ears standing up.
love to eat carrot and lettuce
hop hop jump jump ... very lovely.
* sing 3 indonesian songs: tik tik tik bunyi hujan, cicak cicak, satu-satu aku sayang ibu
* sing a chinese song call "xiao yan zi" (little swallow) - the first part. other songs that she could sing before: counting ducks, ABC Song, du shu lang (also first part), 2 tigers, some parts of Tao Hua Duo Duo Kai , Lang Hua Yi Duo Duo, Lao Shu Ai Da Mi, Rain in March, Jingle Bells, Zhao Peng You.
* ask for a book when she wants to see it. can match pictures like footprints of certain animals, which pictures are missing and find it, how to help a boy getting his ball on the tree, where do certain animals sit on the bus, differ goose egg and swallow egg, etc.
* climb up and down stairs by herself, by holding on to the handle or wall. in the past, except by holding on the wall, mommy also needed to hold her. now mommy needs only to watch besides Crystal to prevent her form falling.
* open a door
* when Jingjing grows up. Crystal likes to say: Jingjing grows up help grandpa wash dishes; Jingjing grows up cook for mama; Jingjing grows up can eat spicy; Jingjing grows up help mama wash cloth; Jingjing grows up work, earn a lot of money, give to mama, papa, grandpa, grandma.
* identify that something is the same. Crystal was playing with a puzzle with story of 'Hare and Tortoise', then asked to get a book which contained 'Hare and Tortoise' story. after that, she pointed at the puzzle and the book and told grandpa, "this is the same."
* afraid of strangers and new thing. Crystal is still afraid of stranger or people she seldom meets or sees. so in front of any of them, very seldom she wants to speak up or to interact. even i often bring her outside or to the park, let her play with other kids, let her greet other parents or grandparents .. still it seems that she is afraid. sometimes she wants to speak, but very seldom, sometimes she will say, "afraid." also she is afraid of playing with new things. for example, we took her to amusement park, paid for the ticket where kids can play anything inside the area for 30 minutes. she didnt want to play anything, just walked around and observed. including the 'ball pool', when i went inside together with her, she was whining and didnt want to be inside the pool.
time really flies. my lil girl is approaching her 2nd bday now.
some development within this month:
* successfull potty training. now she could tell us if she wants to pee or poop. or she will go to the potty by herself. of course there is still some pee accident sometimes, especially when she's doing something else. one poop accident at 3am in the morning. at that time, Crystal said,"pee." but actually she had had poop in her panty. after pee, she would take the wipe cloth and wipe by herself. we didnt ask her to do it, she wanted to do by herself.
* first time trying to pee by standing up because of seeing Smarty (her cousin). mommy told Crystal that Smarty is a boy, same as daddy, will stand while having a pee. while Crystal is a girl, same as mommy and grandma will sit on toilet or potty when having a pee. after that, she never tries to stand up anymore. she also would sometimes repeat what mommy has told her, like this, "smarty is a boy, having a pee by standing up."
* nap and night training. star
ting May 07, Crystal doesnt wear diaper during sleep. but of course mommy has to wake up once or twice in the middle of the night to let her pee. sometimes if mommy is over tired and forgets to wake up, she will have the pee accident. usually mommy will bring her to pee on (1) 00.30 or 1am; (2) another 2 hours, which is around 2 or 3am; (3) between 6 to 7.30. sometimes if around 6 am mommy brings her to pee, she will say, "no pee. no pee." actually this could be started even earlier. but mommy was lazy to do it, especially during winter. summer time is more suitable. sometimes she will copy what mama often says to her: 'should not pee on the bed. have to wash it and dry it. very troublesome.'
* signing. Crystal now can understand about a chinese game "scissors, stone and cloth." 剪刀,石头,布. where scissors win over cloth, cloth wins over stone, and stone wins over scissors. if or example she wins, she will pinch her play-mate's nose. of course we let her win and let her lose sometimes. Crystal can also make "chinese" sign language with 5 fingers from 1 to 10; can express "i love you" with "korean" signing. some simple sign language that she already knew before were like: no, yes, goodbye, kiss-bye, come here.
* know the character 'jing' 晶 (crystal, for her nickname) and 'dian' 电 (electricity). this happen because we've just bought an LCD tv this month. on the packaging carton, she can see this two chinese characters.
* start to be able to differ long and short, tall and low, little and many, front and back. previously she could differ big and small. it happened that grandpa asked her to compare grandpa and grandma's feet. after pondering for few seconds, she said, 'it's the same size.' though we thought probably she would tell which one was bigger.
* know and can decide on something she wants or wants to do; can refuse by saying that she doesnt want to do this or that. Crystal can tell mom, 'dont want to wear diaper.' Crystal will say, 'it's not delicious' when she eats something and she doesnt like it. ask to wear certain cloth, a red t-shirt with a tiger on it is her most favorite one.
* have her own idea or own way for solving problem. on the book it teaches to give certain amount of peaches to certain numbers of monkey. mommy will point picture of 3 peaches and imaginarily takes on peach and feeds it to one monkey, one by one until all 3 monkeys are fed. but Crystal will do in different way, she takes the 3 peaches together at one time then feed it also at one time to 3 monkeys... a short cut. hahaha..!
* start to use 'i' or 'me'. few months ago she could use 'i' or 'me' for around 3 sentences like: 'mama, pull me up', 'mama, carry me up', and 'i love you'. now Crystal can use it in more sentences like: let me see, let me hang it, how are you? I'm Liu Hui Han, etc. but she still uses 'Jing-jing' more often to address herself; or sometimes she uses 'you'. so mommy will remind her often that it's i or me instead of 'you'. sometimes she will copy what mommy says to her by saying, "Jingjing says 'me', mama says 'you'."
* good habits. if mommy feeds her something with a spoon, like ice cream or fruit jelly, after finishing it, she will throw the empty container to the trash bin and brings the spoon into the kitchen. one day, grandma was eating tomato and gave a small slice to her, but it dropped on the floor. she told grandma that it dropped on the floor. mommy gave Crystal a piece of tissue paper, then Crystal wiped the tomato and threw it into the trash bin. there was once Crystal reminded mommy to put the knife back to its place. Mommy would sometimes remind and praise her for that, she then will say, "very dangerous. can hurt fingers," and pointing at her own forefinger. after drinking her milk, she will put the bottle on its usual place.
* wear sandals or shoes by herself, seldom makes mistakes on which is the left or right side.
* always cries if mommy wants to go to work, sometimes will hug mommy's leg or says, 'mama, dont go to work.'
* ride a bike (with additional 2 small wheels at the back side). but since the bike is quite big, she cannot make a full round 'ride' on her feet. already can turn left or right by herself, and can go to the place that mommy points her to.

* jump with 2 feet stepping together on the ground. the height is around 15cm.
* put coin into the kiddy ride. when going to the play ground, she will run to the kiddy rides and climbs up, and asks for money to be put into the kiddy ride. but if mommy says that mommy doesnt bring any money, she will not insist.
* dance. lately grandma likes to dance. sometimes mommy dances with grandma, then she follows and wants mommy to hold her hands, so we dance together by counting 1,2,3 ... 1,2,3 ... when listens to music, she also likes to dance with her own way.
* drink soup with a spoon, hold the spoon quite stable for the soup.
* drink with a glass or cup without dripping off
* start to tell time, but not perfectly. usually 7.30, 10.30, 7 o'clock, 1 o'clock. but still often makes mistakes on it.
* like to change other words including text in a song with 'mama' (remember 'smurf'?). for example if we ask her what's our phone number, she will answer like this, "55 66 mama." a part of song lyrics 'somebody that loves me' becomes 'mama that loves me'. poop also becomes 'mama' ... lol. and many others.
* sing chinese rhyme; like this :
ride ride horsy ride, ride to grandma's house
where is grandma's house? in indonesia
how to go there? by a plane
how does a plane sound like? booom...booomm...booom..
flies over a mountain, flies over the ocean.. arrive now.
how much to pay? 5 yuan. 3000 yuan. put into the pocket.
little rabbit, white so white.
two ears standing up.
love to eat carrot and lettuce
hop hop jump jump ... very lovely.
* sing 3 indonesian songs: tik tik tik bunyi hujan, cicak cicak, satu-satu aku sayang ibu
* sing a chinese song call "xiao yan zi" (little swallow) - the first part. other songs that she could sing before: counting ducks, ABC Song, du shu lang (also first part), 2 tigers, some parts of Tao Hua Duo Duo Kai , Lang Hua Yi Duo Duo, Lao Shu Ai Da Mi, Rain in March, Jingle Bells, Zhao Peng You.
* ask for a book when she wants to see it. can match pictures like footprints of certain animals, which pictures are missing and find it, how to help a boy getting his ball on the tree, where do certain animals sit on the bus, differ goose egg and swallow egg, etc.
* climb up and down stairs by herself, by holding on to the handle or wall. in the past, except by holding on the wall, mommy also needed to hold her. now mommy needs only to watch besides Crystal to prevent her form falling.
* open a door
* when Jingjing grows up. Crystal likes to say: Jingjing grows up help grandpa wash dishes; Jingjing grows up cook for mama; Jingjing grows up can eat spicy; Jingjing grows up help mama wash cloth; Jingjing grows up work, earn a lot of money, give to mama, papa, grandpa, grandma.
* identify that something is the same. Crystal was playing with a puzzle with story of 'Hare and Tortoise', then asked to get a book which contained 'Hare and Tortoise' story. after that, she pointed at the puzzle and the book and told grandpa, "this is the same."
* afraid of strangers and new thing. Crystal is still afraid of stranger or people she seldom meets or sees. so in front of any of them, very seldom she wants to speak up or to interact. even i often bring her outside or to the park, let her play with other kids, let her greet other parents or grandparents .. still it seems that she is afraid. sometimes she wants to speak, but very seldom, sometimes she will say, "afraid." also she is afraid of playing with new things. for example, we took her to amusement park, paid for the ticket where kids can play anything inside the area for 30 minutes. she didnt want to play anything, just walked around and observed. including the 'ball pool', when i went inside together with her, she was whining and didnt want to be inside the pool.
.. Crystal
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