Monday, August 02, 2010

my dad

i'd been missing my dad these few days.
yesterday, i got some headache.

my father-in-law said that my dad visited me. 

we're fine, dad ... but we're missing u!
thanks for visiting me, though i cannot communicate with you.

Jesus Lord, i believe you're taking good care of my dad.

my dad was sick on 18-Aug-2009. 
and left us forever on 19-Sep-2009.


Lidya said...

Semoga ayahnya diberikan tempat yg terbaik ya. Kangen pasti lah ya yen namanay juga sama ortu

Elsa said...

mungkin Dad juga kangen ya Mbak...
karena itu Beliau "berkunjung"

berdoa aja yang terbaik buat Ayah
pasti beliau tersenyum disana
melihat anak dan cucu cucunya yang cantik cantik

BABY DIJA said...

i miss my MOM

miaojuan said...

i'm sure your dad is proud of you, cici :D

Bekti said...

I imagine that your father is praising God in heaven, so happy with the new place, streets of gold and a house that has been provided by the father in heaven. Surely, he expects his children and grandchildren keep faithful to follow Jesus, so that one day we will join a new song that sing together. Amen.

Zulfadhli's Family said...

Pasti daddy Mba disana udah tenang dan bahagia.

Kalo kangen banyak2 berdoa ajah Mba. Gw mah ditinggal Bokap dari taun 1991.

Veny said...

sedih g baca nya , semoga papa lo dapat tempat yg layak disisi NYA

Anonymous said...

Aku biasanya kalo siangnya keingat bokap, malamnya pasti mimpi.
