Wednesday, May 31, 2006
11 months old
Crystal is 11 months old today!
below are her 10-Month-Old's Development (1 May ~ 31 May 2006)
* saying: guitar (ji-da , gi-ta) , dan-dao (correct is dan-gao for cake)
* recognize new things: guitar, window, red date, mushroom, tomato, fan, bracelet, ring, earing, button, crab (picture), hand, foot, trash bin, closet, water heater, washing machine, basin, car, tyre, motorcycle, motor-bike, bicycle, tricycle, cloud, kite, glove, standing air-con, refrigerator, chair, table, carrot
* animals introduced to her: deer, camel, tiger, giraffe, monkey, chimp, gorilla, ostrich, swan, sea lion, hippo, kangaroo, zebra, lobster, ant
* imitate playing guitar by holding a can cap (incidentally the oval can cap has a hole in the middle)
* imitate people yawning, tiger roaming, bird flying, dog barking
* play looking for, catching & smacking a mosquito
* play massage mom's back by slapping with her hands or massage mommy's leg
* kiss mommy's face and other's face
* playing nose-to-nose, head-to-head
* pretend crying
* look at pictures in a book and turning the page by herself
* when look at pictures (poster or book), can point out things like watermelon, orange, apple, carrots, banana, basketball, soccer ball, mushroom, crab, squirrel, etc.
* hold a snack by herself and eat it (macaroni snack)
* clap hands with voices
* express thanks by holding to hands together and make a gesture same as congratulation’ (gongxi) in Chinese way
* use hands to express: “there is nothing left anymore” (mei le …mei you le…)
* squat and stand up (but still being hold)
* can differ red and blue
* can differ her own left and right foot, left and right hand, left and right curtain
* when asked 'who is Jing Jing?', she will slap her chest with her hand, with a sweet smile on her face
* can drink with a straw
* can stand without support for few seconds
* begin to understand when we talk to her, for example:
- stand up. sit down. squat. come here (in her baby walker)
- put this into the drawer
- do not touch it
- give this or that to other people
- look for watermelon in the book, look for ball ...etc.
- look for lady bug, santa claus etc. in her diaper plastic bag
- where is this? where is that? where is the blue color?
- is it delicious? do you like it?
- how does the bird fly? how does a dog bark?
- knock the door. open the door.
- help mommy turn on the lamp. help me take this plastic bag
- pick up the ball, kick the ball, throw the ball
- pick some small things on the floor and throw it in the trash bin when she is asked to
- look at this
- do you want to pee? (usually she will shake her head, she hates if we carry her to pee)
- etc.
* she likes to follow me singing by saying 'na.. na... and nodding her head when we sing to her
* she begins to eat with her own spoon and bowl, well.. there is still the mess everywhere.
* can use thumb-and-finger for pincer grasp. it's an essential element of her developing eye-hand coordination. she will take a small piece of biscuit and put into her mouth
* now she begins to like more and more to use her mouth to explore every fascinating little item within reach (and of course includes her own fingers) so everytime she picks up dry leaves in the park, i will say, " cannot eat this. you shouldn't eat this." but if she disobeys (she always disobeys), her daddy or i will snap her hands.
* almost crawl (lol....!)
Your 42-week-old's development Reviewed
by Suzanne Dixon, M.D., MPHLast
updated: February 2006
Source: click here
Growing physical independenceOnly a few weeks shy of his first birthday, your baby's no longer a helpless infant who can't do anything without you. He still needs plenty of care and support, but his growing independence — evident in his solo standing, stooping, and squatting — is becoming apparent.
Your baby may walk while gripping your hand, and he'll hold out his arm or leg to help you dress him. At mealtimes, he may be able to grip a cup and drink from it independently (though some children may not do this for a few more months) and hand-feed himself an entire meal.
Once your baby's able to drink from a cup by himself, you may need to start ducking, because he's just as likely to toss it when he's finished as to put it down gently.
Your baby will also purposely drop objects for someone, probably you, to pick up. If you get tired of this dropping game, take away the object for a few minutes and try to distract your baby with something just as enticing, such as a fun game of peek-a-boo.
abon, mertua dan parenting
bete lagi ... bete lagi ...
Biasalah ... sapa lagi kalo bukan karna mak mertu atau pak mertu. Kali ini mak mertu. Masalah sepele tapi ngeselin.
Semalam dia lagi ngasih makan ke si kecil (gua abis pulang dari potong rambut krn udah kepending2 lama banget). Ngasihnya cuman bubur doang, gak ada sayur or lauk apa2. Trus gua ambil daging cincang. Dia pikir gua mau ngasih abon ke anak gua. Terus gua bilang bukan abon, daging cincang.
Terus dia ngomong, “abon jangan kasih makan ke anak kecil, keluarga kami gak makan abon. Orang sini mana ada yang makan abon kayak lu.”
Gua bilang, pasti ada yang makan, kalo gak, mana mungkin dijual di supermarket. Kalo supermarket ada yang jual, pasti ada yg makan. terus dia ngotot lagi, ”keluarga kami gak makan.” gua bete aja dengar kata, ”keluarga kami.” gua pengen bilang, ’itu kan keluarga kalian. Belom tentu orang lain gak makan.” tapi terus gua menahan diri untuk gak nyebut kata ”keluarga kalian”.
Terus dia lanjutin lagi, iparmu dikasih orang pun juga gak dimakan. Ipar gua kan rewel, standarnya tinggi banget. Dalam hati gua, kenapa orang bisa ngasih dia, karena orang mikir dia makan. Kenapa orang bisa mikir dia makan, karna orang lain juga makan. Wong toko roti aja banyak dijual jenis2 roti abon. Habis itu dia masih soal keluarga mereka gak makan abon.Tapi nada bicaranya gak enakin. Gua langsung bete. Habis makan bubur semangkok, gua langsung kabur pergi shopping ke hero ... (maksudnya supermarket). Dan gua baru pulang jam 9.15. Sampai hari ini gua masih bete.Kenapa dia selalu maksain gua mesti hidup dg living stylenya dia termasuk makan apa yang dia suka, gak makan apa yg dia gak suka.
Bete banget!
Gua kalo dah bete gitu, ingat rumah.
Kalo dah ingat rumah, pengen nangis.
Dan gak ada tempat menangis ... sedih banget.
Sesak rasanya mesti ditahan2... !
bokap mertua dan nyiapin makan
maren, pagi2 sebelum gua berangkat kerja, bokap mertua sibuk banget nyiapin breakfast khusus buat cucu pertamanya (Chong Chong). ada daging cincang, wortel, daun bawang.
kalo chong-chong ada di rumah, emang dia yang super sibuk dan super heboh.
sewaktu minggu lalu, dari Rabu - Sabtu, Chong2 masih ada di rumah neneknya (dari pihak ibu) gak seharipun dia khusus siapin makanan untuk Jing Jing. dia mana ambil pusing!
gua keki aja, kasian yah anakku punya opa yang pilih kasih gitu, sampai gak pedulian dia makan apa. gua sih bukannya gak bisa nyiapin sendiri. gua cuman keki berats aja.
bokap mertua dan mobil2an
dalam rangka hari anak, dia beli mainan kayak mobil2an yang tanpa listrik or batere. tapi kalo setirnya digerak2in, mobil2annya bisa jalan maju atau mundur. walaupun terlihat sederhana, canggih juga si pencipta mobil2an ini.
bilangnya sih, untuk Chong Chong dan Jing Jing dalam rangka hari anak. gua yakin seyakin2nya, itu prioritas untuk Chong Chong, soalnya banyak anak kecil umur 2-4 tahun yang main mobilan2 ini di taman dekat rumah. soalnya Jing Jing belom bisa main.
siangnya, denger dari cerita orang2 rumah, begitu mobil ini dibeli. bokap mertua langsung heboh dan gendong Chong Chong untuk naik bareng. tapi Chong Chong kayaknya takut dan meronta2. akibatnya mereka berdua terjatuh. Chong Chong sih gapapa, jatuh di atas perut bokap mertua. habis dari itu, Chong Chong gak mau lagi naik tuh mobil2an.
yang doyan (dan berani!) malah Jing Jing. dia naik ditemeni gua yang duduk di belakangnya.
udah berhenti, dia masih mau. tangannya pun sambil ikut2an megang setir.
yah, gapapalah... walaupun diprioritaskan untuk Chong Chong, tapi yang ketiban untungnya Jing Jing. soalnya Chong2 gak mau naik dan ketika Jing2 main, dia juga gak mau merebut. biasanya Chong2 paling demen merebut apa saja yang ada di tangan Jing2.
maren sore, gua ajak Jing2 main mobil2an baru di taman. ada anak kecil umur 2.5 tahunan, mau main juga. akhirnya gua pinjemi bentar... eh... keterusan.. hahahahaa.... gak mau lepas pas mau diminta balik. sementara Jing-Jing juga udah meronta2 pengen maen lagi. nyokap mertua gua mukanya mesem... gak seneng mobil2annya dipinjemi ke orang lain. napa sih... dg gitu kan secara gak langsung gua ngajarin anak gua bersosialisasi. toh kadang ada anak lain yg juga minjemi mainannya untuk anakku kalo lagi main2 di taman.
kasian juga pas mobil2an diambil lagi, di anak itu nangis2...habis gimana, anak gua juga pengen main.
sempet waktu gua ninggalin mobil2an baru ini kira2 5 meteran dari tempat kita duduk, ada kakek2 yang pengen ngambil, mungkin dikira ada orang yg ketinggalan. terus langsung gua sahutin, "itu punya kami". mungkin si kakek2 jadi tengsin juga. lagian, bukan milik, kok mau diambil !
soal ngajarin anak dan parenting
dari web nya orang2 western yang gua baca soal parenting, rata2 baby umur 7-8 bulanan dah dikasih main sendiri dg mangkok, sendok dan makanan. jadi gua juga sering biarkan Jing Jing main awal2 dengan sendok dan mangkok kosong. akhir2 ini gua dah mulai isi dengan sedikit makanan. dan Jing Jing dah mulai bisa dikit2 nyendokin makanan dan makan dengan sendok. orang rumah agak2 takjub juga.
gua pikir, emang harus gitu. bukannya gua gak mau nyuapin dan nyuruh makan sendiri, tapi ini adalah proses pembelajaran untuk si kecil. dia belajar mengkoordinasikan gerak tangan dan anggota2 tubuh lainnya. gak macam Chong2, apa2 gak diajarin. dulu susu botol juga gak mau megang sendiri. akhirnya setelah gua ajarin, baru deh Chong2 megang susu botol sendiri. soal megang sendok, masih jagoan Jing2 dibanding Chong2 yang 10 bulan lebih gede.
terus bokap mertua mungkin takut juga kali yah ... kalo si cucu favoritnya kalah dari anak gua, dia juga mencobakan ngasih sendok ke dia. terus dimainin dan berantakan. eh, bokap mertua jadi gak sabaran kayaknya. gua nyeletuk aja, emang musti gitu, biarin main dan berantakan. ntar beresin aja. emang gitulah kalo awal2 belajar, lama2 ntar juga bisa.
emang living style dan cara pandang mereka soal parenting beda ama gua.
juga soal ngajari anak pakai sikat gigi. bokap mertua gak setuju gua ngasih sikat gigi ke Jing Jing.
gua cuekin aja, skrg Jing2 gayanya udah kayak mau sikat gigi beneran.
lihat aja, ntar Jing segala2nya lebih cepat dan lebih jago dari kokonya. dan akan mereka lihat parenting style sapa yang lebih baik. jangan cuman bilang, "keluarga kami tidak begini.. keluarga kami tidak begitu..."
ke laut deh... gua juga punya metode gua sendiri yg gua pelajari dari web2 dan dari pengalaman ortu gua.
bukti yang lain, mereka kalo mandiin Jing2, bisa sampai nangis2/jerit2. tapi pas gua mandiin, dia gak nangis; sempat nangis 4-5 detik, tapi habis itu gak nangis lagi. gua ingat mama juga pernah bilang, saat mandi, basah2in dulu kaki, tangan dan dada, jangan langsung taroh di air, dia bisa kaget (temanku juga mengatakan hal yang sama).
sekarang aja juga udah mulai terbukti. anak gua tahu lebih banyak barang dibanding kokonya, ngomong / mengeluarkan bunyi yang lebih banyak dari kokonya. namanya buat perkembangan anak gua, gua pantang capek, biarpun mesti ngulang 100 kali ...1000 kali pun...!
dan gua gak pelit lho... Chong2 sering gua ajarin bareng2 kalo misal gua lagi ngajarin Jing Jing ngelakuin/main2 sesuatu. soalnya gua suka anak kecil. dan dia kan ponakan sendiri. habis kalo gua lihat, maknya jarang ajarin ini itu. gua akan gak tega kalo ntar dia malah jadi minderan ama anak gua...huahahahaha... yakin bener gua yah kalo anak gua bakal lebih hebat dari kokonya.... gak boleh takabur aah !!!!
bokap mertua juga kalo misal lihat gua ngajarin sesuatu ke anak gua, dia ikut2an ngajarin hal yang sama juga ke cucu favoritnya. biarlah... kan ini hal baik juga.
mak mertu
mak mertua sih sebenarnya orangnya baik. cuman mulutnya ada kadang jahat alias ngomong kadang suka gak dipikir, maunya menang / merasa paling benar sendiri.
udah gitu juga maunya orang mengakui dia hebat. sampe, sering kalo misal aku ide bikin sesuatu, ntar dia yg langsung, "sini aku kerjain."
ntar kalo dah jadi, diclaim, "aku yang bikin" biar dipuji. dan dia gak bakal nyebut2 gua di dalamnya.
misal waktu gua beli baju si kecil, terus gua mulai gambar pola, mau bikin yang sama dg ukuran rada gedean. begitu pola jadi, dia langsung ambil alih. setelah baju dan celananya jadi, udah deh... itu dia yg bikin, "lihat ... gua juga bisa bikin, bagus dan sama. jadi irit dibanding beli." gua gak disebut2.
lain hari, mulai musim panas, kipas angin akan mulai dipakai. aku mengambil kasa plastik mau bikin cover untuk kipas angin, biar anak2 gak masukin jari ke dalam. lagi2 langsung diambil alih. setelah jadi dipamerin ke bokap mertua, anak2nya (dan pasti ke si tante) kalo dia yang kerjain. lagi2 gak nyebut2 ide dari gua. yah...biarlah....!
lepas dari semua, nyokap mertua suka belain anakku. terutama suka 'menuduh' si kakek pilih kasih, memperlakukan kedua cucu tidak sama rata. sehingga, bokap mertua agak2 mendingan.
kadang aku melawan juga, kalo dia ngomel2 gua ngajarin ini itu ke anak gua, ngomel2 bahwa gua bawel ngulang2 (nyanyian, cerita atau apa aja), gua bantah aja dan gua bilang dg nada becanda tentunya ... "kalo bukan gua yg ngajarin, siapa yang ngajarin...kalian toh gak mau ngajarin. kalo gak diajarin, ntar anak gua apa2 gak tau dan gak bisa. buktinya skrg ditanya apa aja dia dah tau" (walaupun belom bisa ngomong). nyokap mertua cuman senyum mesem2.
lepas dari beda living style, beda cara pandang. gua gak pernah jahatin mertua. kalo sakit pinggangnya kumat atau paha/betisnya bebal, gua juga yang mijatin. mijatin dia gak gampang juga lho. dia rada ndut, jadi dagingnya banyak. lingkar pahanya aja mungkin seukuran lingkar pinggangku, atau malah mungkin lebih gede. sementara kalo suamiku, tenaganya suka over, kalo mijatin suka malah jadi sakit. dia juga merasa paling top kalo gua yg mijatin.
kalo dah pulang ke rumah, gua juga gak pernah ngijini dia kerjain apapun, sesiangan dan sesorean udah capek ngasuh anak.
penyakitnya yah itu.... dia suka menguasai alias bossy alias otoriter. maunya orang nurut apa maunya dia dan cara pikirnya dia, maunya ngatur, maunya diakui dia yang paling hebat. sementara gua, mana mau gua diatur2. gua kan punya kehidupan, pemikiran dan gaya gua sendiri.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
semangka bikin gondokan
kalo lagi musim panas terik gini, semangka adalah buah yang paling populer di sini. berhubung masih awal2 musim panas, semangka cukup mahal.
makan semangka gak bikin gondok kok. yang bikin gondok itu gak makan semangka. ceritanya begini nih ...
saat mertua jalan2 ke greatwall beijing, ada tamu yg datang malam minggu, bawain semangka sbg oleh2 berkunjung. ini adalah semangka pertama di keluargaku untuk summer kali ini.
kata lin, semangkanya dimakan ntar pas mertua dan omanya dah pulang. ketika mertua pulang rabu pagi, diputuskan (ntah siapa yg memutuskan) semangka dimakan saat sang cucu pertama pulang dari rumah kakek nenek yang satunya lagi.
udah deh ... tuh semangka menunggu sampai hari minggu pagi, hari ke sembilan sejak si semangka menginap di rumah. datanglah sang cucu yang ditunggu2 oleh si semangka. pas makan siang, sang cucu dan papa mamanya berkunjung ke rumah koko dari mamanya. si semangka pun menunggu lagi sampai saat makan malam. ceritanya gak berhenti sampai di sini...
sore hari, pulanglah sang cucu dari rumah pamannya.selidik punya selidik, sore itu sang cucu mencret... akibat kebanyakan makan semangka di rumah pamannya. aku dah mulai gondok dan menjelma menjadi tante-yg-gondok-gara-gara-semangka. orang-orang rumah emang sinting.. gak tau gimana cara berpikirnya!terutama bokap mertuaku yang fans berat ama cucu pertamanya.
suwer... begitu dipotong, tuh semangka gak bakalan kumakan...saking gondoknya.
akhirnya senin malam tadi, si semangka pun dipotong dan dimakan rame2, dengan aku yang tetap pada komitmenku.. gak mau makan tuh semangka yang udah bikin gondok.
dan tante-yg-gondok-gara-gara-semangka ini cuma bisa tertawa dalam hati, menertawakan orang-orang rumah (terutama bokap mertua) ketika mamanya sang cucu bilang, "mama saya tiap hari beli semangka buat cucunya."
gubrak ... !!!!!
pagi ini, setelah semalam makan semangka yg menunggu 10 hari itu, ternyata sang cucu kembali mencret.
gubrak lagi ... !!!!!
Monday, May 29, 2006
SASA juga manusia (email dari dan utk elin)

yg cew kecil itu keponakannya whisnu. namanya nadia. mang lucu bgt. sm org2 suka dikatain brekele gara2 rambutnya kriwil2 ngga bisa lurus. tapi nakalnya itu mbak yenn.. ampun2an deh. itu yg bikin dia jadi lucu bgt. blm 5thn tp ngomongnya ada aja. masa pernah dia ngadu ke aku pas abis hari pertama pre-schoolnya. dia bilang...
"tante elin aku punya temen di sekolah namanya sasa, tapi dia bukan bumbu masak, dia juga manusia.."
coba tuh.. gmn gw ngga mau ngakak.
disekolahannya aja di udah ngga dikasih pr lagi, pdhl temen2nya suka dikasih pr 2/3. kata teachernya nadia dah bisa semua + dia dominan bgt dikelas, sampe disuruh main diem2an sama gurunya, saking cerewetnya tuh anak. dia mang suka baca buku sih, beda deh ma kakak2nya.
cuplikan balesan gua ke elin:
Gua berharap ntar anak gua agak gede juga kayak gitu. Bawel dan pinter ngomong, sedikit2 bandel deh (jangan keterlaluan bandelnya). hahahahha...asik banget nih anak, gua pasti suka banget kalo gua jadi teachernya! And she will be my most favorite girl in class. Hahahaha…!
(ingat gak dulu gua pernah bilang, gua demennya anak laki yg bandel2. skrg anak gua cewek, tapi gua teramat amat amat sangat sayang, dan bersyukur banget to have her!!!!)
Friday, May 26, 2006
wish list

2. there were no war; among countries or religions
3. i could do something meaningful for people who need


4. i could work for
undp or wwf or other
environment society
5. for healthiness & happiness
especially of all people i love or i know
6. i were rich enough to donate to people who need
7. i were wiser and smarter than i am now
8. i could go to mount rinjani and segara anak
9. i could speak french, italian,
spanish, korea, japanese, cantonese, russian
10. i were a doctor
11. i had dogs and a tortoise

12. i had my own home-library
with wonderful books
13. i could be a farmer
14. i could set up a non-profit organization
15. i had a new set of good healthier teeth
than what i have now =)

17. i could run a 10k marathon

18. i could go
bungee jumping
after seeing below blog entry tommy's reall wish list
Monday, May 22, 2006
I gave her a slice of apple ‘coz she wanted to hold and eat it by herself. She was so sweet to offer the apple to me. So i bite a bit and said thanks, that the apple was so delicious. this made her smile happily and she kept offering me the apple every time she had a bit.
Yesterday, we took her to the park. When we were sitting at the river side, she wanted to go into the water. =)
It’s very tiring to take her out, coz she wanted to pick all things on the grounds, especially those dry leaves, while she cannot walk yet, so i have to bend my back all the time. Quite tiring!
while I don’t like to use those “walking sling”, for me it’s like using it for a doggy…hehehehehe…. !
When her daddy separated with us, to get something at his office, she waved and said, “man…man…” to him (means slowly on the way).
Yes ... I’ve made it!
Today i successfully bathed her without her crying or screaming madly. My friend suggested to wash her feet first, then slowly put her into water.
So firstly, i washed her head with complete cloth on, put two rubber ducklings into the water, gave to her when she wanted it. Then putting her standing on the basin, wash her feet and legs, keep talking to her. Slowly strip off her pants. Put again the rubber duckling to the water. And then slowly let her seat in the basin. She began to cry for around 5 seconds but i tried to grasp her attention, not giving her chance to cry. Though she was not exciting, but the whole bathing process was over without her screaming or crying.
It’s a good chance for me to do this while my parents-in-law are not at home, otherwise i might be nervous. =)
pamper's ads, funny
this is pampers' ads. quite funny!
are you doing the right thing for your baby's development?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
finally, my mom-in-law suggested to apply ginger on her n----e. it really worked!
after that, the boy didn't want to be nursed anymore. there is a new habit, mouthing his own fingers. last nite, my father-in-law applied ginger on his fingers. at that moment, he stopped mouthing his fingers. but dunno tomorrow ...
i said, 'Jing-jing also likes to mouth fingers.'
so my father-in-law applied the ginger on her fingers too. but then we guessed my lill girl wasn't afraid of spicy taste. she was given a slice of ginger. she put it in her mouth; and cried when we took away from her. when my mom-in-law and i tried, indeed that ginger slice was quite spicy. her curious-naughty-daddy put the ginger in front of her mouth to let her bite it. she bite it and said, "ha...ha..." but with an almost-cried-expression. but still she wouldn't let go for that ginger slice. and put into her mouth again.
weird baby ... hihihihi ... !
mbak-mbak / mas-mas kantoran
Akibatnya aku jadi bingung juga skrg musti percaya ama sapa. Semalem ditelpon salah seorang petinggi dan dapat info yang sepertinya ada unsur sengaja dibocorin; yg isinya bertolak belakang dengan apa yang dikatakan GM-ku. Mau tak mau jadi terseret. Musti ati-ati nih jadinya, waspodo ...waspodo .... !
Mbak-mbak atau mas-mas kantoran memang banyak tipenya; yang mesti diwaspadain antara lain tipe2 berikut ini:
* si pe-je-el-te (kerjaanya jilat2in pantat -maap- atasan)
* si carmuk (biasanya suka sok sibuk kalo lagi ada atasan, suka claim prestasi/ide/kerjaan orang lain sebagai hasil jerih payahnya sendiri)
* sang pengadu (suka lapor2 ke atasan, biasanya suka dijadiin mata2 oleh atasan)
* si makan-tulang-teman (teman aja dikorbankan asal dia bisa dapetin apa yang dia mau, misal pujian, naik pangkat, fasilitas, dll.)
* si ular-kepala-dua (kalo misal ada kubu2 berselisihan, di kandang kambing dia mengembik, di kandang macam dia mengaum. bedakan dengan si netral lho …)
* si ka-er (keong racun…hahahaaha … kalo ini kombinasi dari semua yang di atas kali yah…)
sebenarnya masih banyak lagi sih kalo mau di-list.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Seven Signs that your child loves you
he's actually working hard to memorize your face. He doesn't understand anything else about the world, but he knows you're important.
2. Your baby thinks about you even when you're not around.
Between 8 and 12 months old, he'll start to scrunch his face and look around when you leave the room — and he'll smile when you return.
3. Your toddler throws wicked tantrums.
Nope, those screaming fits don't mean he's stopped loving you. He wouldn't be so hurt and angry if he didn't trust you so deeply.
4. Your toddler runs to you for comfort when he falls down or feels sad.
Kids this age may not truly understand the meaning of "I love you," but their actions speak louder than words.
5. Your preschooler gives you a flower picked from the garden,
a finger-painted heart, a sparkly rock, or another gift.
6. Your preschooler wants your approval.
He'll start to be more cooperative around the house, and he'll look for chances to impress. "Look at me!" will become a catchphrase.
7. Your grade-schooler trusts you with secrets,
like his first crush or his most embarrassing moment. You're his confidante, even if he shies away from your hugs in public.
How love blossoms between you and your child
The bond between parent and child is one of the strongest connections in nature. Romances come and go, but once you've bonded with your baby you're probably hooked for life. Clearly, children have the ability to reach deep into our brains as well as our hearts.
Don't be surprised to find yourself loving your baby before you even meet. A potent mix of emotions, expectations, and powerful mommy hormones kicks in during pregnancy, setting the stage for your relationship with your child.
While you're daydreaming about your baby and picking out names, your body is already laying the foundation for a strong emotional bond. And as your due date nears, your brain starts producing more and more oxytocin, a hormone that literally helps bring out the mother in you. Also known as the love hormone, oxytocin turns on maternal behavior.It helps keep you calm while intensifying your anticipation of your new baby.
Your baby is also developing a bond with you, even in the womb. Studies show that his heart will beat a little faster at the sound of your voice. It's something that will excite and comfort your child now and for years to come.
When it's finally time to have your baby, the stream of oxytocin in your brain and bloodstream suddenly becomes a torrent. Among its many other jobs, the hormone causes contractions and gets your milk flowing. When you finally get to hold your baby, you'll be practically swimming in the hormone. Oxytocin can break through your exhaustion and pain to give you a feeling of euphoria and intense love. According to pediatrician and child development expert Marshall Klaus, the power of oxytocin helps explain why babies are almost never abandoned in hospitals that allow mothers to hold and nurse their babies in the first hour after birth.
New fathers aren't immune to the bewitching power of babies. Like mothers, fathers get a rush of oxytocin when they see their babies for the first time.
for complete reading, click this link :
How love blossoms between you and your child
look and point out, favorite things
i think one good way to let your baby remember things is to use some exciting or funny way, which i think will make her much easier to remember. that works on my little girl.
Crystal now knows almost all things inside the house, as long as we ever tell her what it is. She can also point out things in pictures, though not all things. my brother-in-law bought a lot of posters, such as animal, numbers, pin-yin (a Chinese spelling method), family tree, shape, color, etc.
in the 'number poster' Crystal can point out watermelon, ball, squirrel, strawberry, crab, fish, mouse. in the 'animal poster' she can point out ox, chicken, duck, dog. but sometimes it seems that she forgets. in picture book, she can look for basket ball and carrots. if she finds the picture i ask her, she will say, "ha...ha...!!!"

while on her blanket, she can point out ball, doll, apple, flower.
last nite and this morning, she called her grandpa when we asked who he was.
i taught her to say, "kiss", what she pronounced out was the 'sss...'.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Baby Walker
Crystal has a new laughing style, when she is playing on something or happy (i think), she will say, "haha!" when i feed her banana and ask her, "is it delicious? do you like it?" she will express her happiness by holding her two hands up and down (like expressing 'gong-xi' in Chinese style).
her cousin likes to grab anything she's playing with. now she knows how to avoid him by turning aside her body, holding her toy up high, and running away (of course with me holding her arms, coz she still cannot walk).however, her cousin is taller, faster and stronger. still he wins the game. :-) and she will end up crying...wuaaa....waa.....waaa...!
however, this naughty girl will allure and alert her cousin whenever she has something to play. she will wave the toy to her cousin and say, "heh...!" ta..da.... there they go again !
her grandma is tiring take care of her bcoz now she wants to walk all the time. her grandma has back-ache first, her grandma objected to letting her use a 'baby walker'. bcoz Crystal's cousin had an incorrect walking way after using baby walker for quite a long time. he used to walk in a "sitting gesture". but now my mother-in-law gave up and said, "bring her brother's baby walker and let her use the baby walker."
one good thing of letting her use the baby walker late is that she doesn't walk while sitting in it. instead, she stands up, holds the baby walker and walks.
last thursday nite, Crystal was playing a little rubber duckling in her baby walker. we asked her to stand up and walk. one of her hand was holding the duckling, she found it's difficult for her to walk perhaps. then she bite the duckling, and with two hands holding her baby walker and walk. all of us can't help laughing.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006
nephew got diarhea

while having dinner, his mom admitted that last nite his daddy gave him cool fresh milk (not for baby consumption). his tummy couldnt accept it. poor little baby!the other time, his parents gave him watermelon (during winter) and he got severe flu.the other time, his mom bathed him and let him play around without cloth, while the air temperature just dropped almost 10 degrees that day.the next day he also got severe flu and throat infection, got to have infusion thru forehead venous.
my mother-in-law said, during winter, little kid is prone to fluwhile during summer, little kid is prone to diarhea.during summer, the air is quite hot, that adults tend to strip children's cloths. tummy is the part that must be warm.
feel pity for her.
i love her voice and songs.
"Whitney Houston was one of the biggest female artists of her generation — with a string of 80s and 90s. Hit singles like I Wanna Dance with Somebody and more than 100 million albums sold. Millions of fans will find it hard to believe that THIS was once the wholesome girl admired for her stunning looks and amazing voice. She has spiraled into a world of squalor and degradation on deadly crack — as the shocking pictures in today's Sun newspaper reveal. Drug paraphernalia including a crack-smoking pipe, rolling papers, cocaine-caked spoons and cigarette ends are strewn across the surface tops. But Whitney, 42, no longer cares."




henny: hooh..well sumtimes ppl go stoopid and screw their life..that's how humans live..
yeah, that's true.
life is precious,
why not doing something meaningful,
for ourselves and for others
Monday, May 08, 2006
i wish i could stay at home all the time and being with my girl =)
my friends said i turned 'slimmer'.
i guess bcoz during these 7 days, i fed her all the time..
oh my ... oh my ... she was so damn picky for food!
most of the time it took quite a long duration to feed her.
i only had my meal after she was done... but then losing my appetite, not eating too much.
when i got back from office, it started to rain.
thank God i had my umbrella with me all the time.
i rushed to the park, where she usually plays around 5.00 pm-6.30 pm every afternoon.
met them on the way.
my lill darling was so happy seeing me with laugh on her face .
i asked her, 'did you miss mama?'
she kissed my cheek. oh... so lovely, so sweet!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
lill piggy head during labor day holiday
sigh... tomorrow i have to get back to work !
i really enjoy this 7 days holiday, 'coz i can fully take care of my lill darling. there are a lot of amazing things during this week.
if we go to the park, she will nod her head while listen to the music from the children amusement shop. she loves to squat-and-stand back and forth picking up leaves, flower petal, or anything on the ground. surely i need to hold her arms. i try as much to let her socialize with other kids or babies, and also with other kids' parents, grandma or grandpa.
never before she bounces up and down on her legs, but then she got to see a girl of 9.5 months, bounces up and down, she also began to bounces up and down on her legs.
there are also a lot of people taking their dogs out to the park. i would always point the dog and 'bark' for her. she is happy to look at dogs and she can do 'dog barking' (of course in her own way... hah...hah...hah...!) .
she would also spread her arms and do a 'bird flying' when i say, "fly...little bird fly fly fly ..." i often spend sometime with her on the balcony to watch birds flying outside our apartment. i taught her to do the bird flying.
on the first day of holiday, i played guitar for her.
coincidentally she was holding a candy tin cap, with a hole on the cap (which can be used for putting facial paper). she took up the cap and played with her hand as if it were a guitar. we all burst into laughed, which stopped her. later on we gave her the cap again, i played the songs. hahahaha... she brought up the cap and action ... !
i taught her the words guitar (english) and ji-da (chinese). at night, to me it's amazing ... she pointed the guitar which i put besides the couch, and said "ji-da" very clearly.
nowadays, she also loves to look at pictures on book. there are some kinds of fruit, vegetable, tree, and ball pictures. i would repeat hundred times for her for each thing or fruit as she wishes. =) she can now turn the page by herself. sometimes if i have something to do, or need to clean up the house, i put her on the couch or on the bed, supply her with the book. she will be busy looking at the pictures by herself. now she also can pick up the things i mention. she also can understand when i tell her to give the thing to me, to daddy or to grandma.
few nights ago i play 'back massage' with her. we lie on bed, i pound her back slightly and said, "chui chui bei ...chui chui bei..." then i turn aside to let her face my back. i pound by back with my hand to show her what's the meaning of "chui bei". later on she uses her palm to also pound my back. now, everytime i said "chui chui bei ..." she would look for my back and pound with her tiny hand and giggle. sometimes if i'm feeding her meals, she holds my back with her tiny hand and pounds. i begin to understand that she wants to play "chui chui bei"
this week she is still learning to crawl (i suppose she is learning). often she squats down from standing, and takes the position near to "crawling". though later on it ends up with her on her tummy.
sometimes it's very difficult for us to carry her for pee. perhaps there is just no 'pee' at that moment, she would fling her head back viciously, stiffen into a bow shape backbend and cry .... eee....eeeeeah ..... to voice out her protest. fyuuuhh.... how can she be this strong ! my skinny arms almost cannot hold her in this way. her daddy likes to spank her butt in order to make her pee. it's her grandma's tips to make a kid pee. how would i spank my lill sweety if she doesnt want to pee? i would not force her. if she wets the cloth diaper, let her be... just another diaper to wash, not big deal.
there is one thing i want to do sooooo much actually, it's to let her try and 'play' eating by herself with a spoon, which i'm sure my parents-in-law will not agree. which i also believe all parents should let their baby do it. not because i want her to be able to eat by herself and save energy from feeding her, but bcoz i strongly believe it's a learning process. what i often do is to let her play with a spoon and a bowl, without food in it. she often brings the spoon into her mouth. few months ago, if i said, "mama wants to eat." she would aim the spoon to my mouth.
Lin loves to call her, "xiao zhu tou" (means little piggy head), especially when she turns so naughty. she is a never-quiet naughty piggy head. if not part of her body moves here and there, it's her little mouth saying baby words or looking for something to eat when seeing us eating.
how we love this adorable lill piggy head. she brings us happiness and joy. especially for me, i always feel that i'm in love so much with her, more and more each day. this is the lill baby that i carried everywhere everyday for more than 9 months a year ago; moved and kicked inside me when we called her, talked or sang for her; lill baby that often 'hiccup' inside me; that made me so anxious and keen for coming out one week late from due date 23-Jun-05; that grew the right ideal size inside (instead of growing too big) just not to let her skinny mom suffer from pain during labor process (indeed i didn't feel too much pain during labor)
to us ... she is a miracle !

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
It's Crystal's first time to zoo, with her mom & dad, uncle and aunt, brother(Chong-Chong), grand-aunt, little uncle (son of grand-aunt).
she slept in the taxi so i needed to carry her while standing on the queue for zoo bus. ghosh ... why it's so crowded everywhere here in China !!! (sigh!) the ticket was 25 yuan/person. and free for children below 1.2m height.
but we need to pay extra 15 yuan/person for panda and 10 yuan/person for snake (cobra). it's decided then not to see panda and cobra.
Crystal missed the peacock 'coz she was still sleeping. however, we woke her up later on. then she was busy wacthing the lampion and windmill hanging between trees on two sides of the walking path. later on she saw deer, birds, camel, ostrich.
we arrived on the pool for sealion show on 11am. she clapped few times during the show. haha... probably i guess bcoz she saw all the people clapping hands. then she saw girrafe, baby chimp, zebra, some species of monkeys, gorilla.
not long after lunch, she fell asleep and missed the white tigers, puma, eagles, racoon, panther, boar. she woke up in front of the tiger stall, imitated tiger roaring and raised her two hands as tiger claws after i showed her. we continued seeing kangaroo and hippo, black and white swan, wild duck. then ended the journey.
i also saw a kind of dog, it's called "zang ao"藏獒, Tibetan mastiff. (ao獒 = 大猛犬 which can mean fierce dog) the dog i saw had black brown fur, with strong big head. which seems very fierce. the dog can be sold out within 20,000 yuan till 1,000,000 yuan ! 1 yuan is around Rp 1065 or around US$ 0.125. can you imagine ?!!
anyway, Crystal doesn't care about the dog's price. =) she is happy today for the outdoor activity. after coming back home, she still wanted to go out for a walk. so her grandpa took her to the park.
Monday, May 01, 2006
10 months old today
Crystal's 9-month-old development :
* weight: around 9kg height: 75.5cm
* new things: curtain (left and right), real duckling, real bird, real cat, real airplane, ball, computer, notebook, tree, leaf, grass, flower, mango, strawberry, watermelon, potato, apple, orange, eggplant
* saying: la, wa, de-de, di di, dai, ye (not very precise), ji (for feiji / airplane), jida (for jidan = egg) , wa, ya, na
* saying: “man-man” (means, slowly / be careful)
* saying “ee…” if we open the front door, wants to go out
* left and right
* imitating other people coughing and spitting, imitate children crying
* pointing at things we ask her
* hi-five with 2 hands
* aiming remote control to tv
* playing brushing teeth
* taking a small ball up and throwing it with one hand
* snatching toys with her brother also striving for standing place at the windowpane to see outside view
* making a salute by raising her hand to her forehead
* shaking hand
* standing by leaning on the side of table / sofa / bed
* waking me up in the morning by slapping the bed near my head and ready with a smile on her face when i open my eyes
* shaking her head if listens to music she likes
* singing along in her own way when listen to ads jingle and squeezing her fingers, or when listen to me singing
* becoming too picky on food. If we feed her, she will taste it first before really eat it. If she doesn’t like the taste, she will spit it out. naughty girl!
* walking with wider footstep and steping on a staircase
* sleeping thru the nite till morning
* ghosh ... still cannot crawl !