Monday, January 15, 2007

thoughtful lill girl


Crystal is such a thoughtful lill girl. Since few months ago, i noticed that everytime for example her head strucked my face or somewhere else, and i said, "aiyooleee.. you strucked mama's face. it hurts." she would quickly turn over and use her little fingers to touch my face and do a little massage.

Saturday nite when i fed her some fruit soup, she bumped into my arm so the soup was poured onto my jacket. i said, "you look at it .. mama's jacket is now wet. don't bump mama's arm again, sit nicely and have this fruit." she stood up, walked into the dining table, got a wipe paper and then came to wipe my jacket.

how thoughtful this lill girl is, is she?

another same case i notice she would do:

put on the plastic into the trash bin whenever she sees us taking away the garbage;

take shoes out for me from the cabinet when i get home (and also for her dearest grand-aunt)

take (empty) potty and shoes for her cousin when he wakes up from his nap (if she has awaken from her nap)

if she pees in the potty, she will bring the potty by herself to toilet, pour it into toilet, get some water to rinse it, wipe the edge of it with toilet paper, then put the potty on the usual place. of course i would help her on the part when she brings it to toilet and when she rinses it (she copies what i do everytime she pees in the potty, and insists to do by herself).

deliver bowl, chopstick or glass to kitchen.

pick up a used toothpick (if she found one) and deliver to trash bin (her grandpa/ma often put used toothpick anywhere instead of putting it straightly into trash bin).

if my glasses drop from my nose, she will fix the position with her fingers.

probably these all make her feel important..hahaha... !

sometimes while having dinner, she would call her daddy, "papa.. chi fan!" (daddy, have dinner!)

several times i asked her question like: "do you love mama?" she would answer: "love mama" (intentionally i asked about everyone except her uncle, then she would say by herself, "love uncle")

i often teach her to ask other people to have dinner (in case somebody hasn't come to the dining table). i also teach her to greet good morning, good nite whenever she is going to sleep or just waking up. she could also know how to reply when somebody says 'xie xie, Jing-jing!' (thank you) to her, she will say, "bu yong xie" (no need to thank)


if there is some certain thing she cannot express in words, she would say, "ooh...oooh...!?" with puzzled eyes and face, sometimes pointing with her forefinger. just like Sunday nite, grandma took a piece of plastic rope and tide grandpa's plant in the living room. she felt that there was something unusual, she looked at the plant and said, "ooh..ooh...oooh!"

we all agreed that it ain't look good that way. i taught her to say that it ain't look good. and she followed me by saying, "bu hao kan!" so now if we ask her, "Jing-jing, does it look good?" she will not say 'ooh...ooh...' with puzzling face anymore

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