Monday, September 18, 2006

count the flowers

1 year 2 months 3 weeks

i really enjoyed my weekend with Crystal. she can walk steadily now. she almost never falls, unless her bro pushes her. so i'm fully protective if her cousin is around.

she accompanied me when i was busy tidy up out the house. sometimes busy with things on her hands she was mumbling by herself, "yeni..mama..yeni .. mama.." sometimes she would come to me whiningly, "mama bao..mama bao.." (mama, carry me up) or held my hand and walked to anywhere she liked around the house. or sit on a stool in the toilet, watching me washing the cloth.

we went out in Saturday afternoon. there is a licensed store for 2008 olympic mascot. She kissed the big version doll FUWA JINGJING; which she has the tiny version. i bought for her especially 'coz her name is Jing Jing 晶晶 (means Crystal)

there are 5 dolls, call FU WA; fu 福 = good fortune. wa 娃 = kid. the name of the mascots are fuwa Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, Nini. BEIJING HUANYING NI 北京欢迎你 = Beijing Welcomes You.

This morning, Crystal woke up and looked at our wedding picture hanging above the bed, saying, "papa..mama...papa...mama...". i said, "there are flowers on daddy's hand, count it ... Crystal." She started to count, "yi er san .. wu liu qi ba jiu shi" (usually she skips the 'four', that i have to remind her and counts faster from 5 to 10). around 2 months ago she could recognize the numbers, but could not say it.

i always love to be around her.
i think i need her much more than she needs me =)

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