Monday, May 25, 2009

pull up her own pants

just today, mommy found out that Angie could pull up her own pants!
angie said she wanted to pee, so mommy stripped down her pants, and let her sit on the potty. 
later on, crystal called mommy to help her on the computer. mommy left angie still sitting on the potty. however, angie quickly followed mommy into our room .. with her pants already pulled-up. 

surprised .. ! 

this week, angie could also wear shoes on her own
okey, she still mixes up the left side with the right side. and it's normal ! 


Natazya said...

see! tinggal ditambahin gambar ilustrasi aja, jadilah buku cerita anak! :D

Desy Noer said...

Waaa..Angie dah pinter yaa..

Gildo Kaldorana said...

Baguuuuuuuusss, sebentar lagi anak-anak sudah mulai kerja dan mamanya hidup kaya ratu.
Omong-omong, film "Laskar pelangi", saya nonton di Bioskop, dan saya ada DVDnya, kalau Yendoel mau, tulis satu email ke saya dan saya kasih tau darimana bisa donwload it.
Salam dari Barcelona

Anonymous said...

wah..udah pintar. bentar lagi bukan cuma pakai sepatu sendiri, tapi bantuin nyapu deh ehehe

lesca said...

hebat euy....
anakku2 di sini begitu masuk play group udah harus bisa pake sepatu sendiri. jadinya mereka selalu aku beliin sepatu yang ada talinya. biar pakenya gampang,. hehehehe... :D