Thursday, May 14, 2009

a friend just resigned .. numpang narsis

our 'new friend' has resigned today. 2 things from my feelings and observations:
* from the first week i knew her, i thought she wouldn't work for long time in our company
* the reason for resigning: she will get marry with an american, by end of this year or next year.  wish you all the best, dear friend! 


Michael, Ryan , Emily's Mommy said...

loh get marriednya masih lama kok resign nya udah sekrang sekarang?

yenni 'yendoel' said...

udah males dg kerjaan skrg. soalnya mungkin nyantai abis.soalnya baru import 2 mesin baru. semuanya masih tahap awal. tapi bentar lagi juga langsung sibuk. kalo aku bilang ke dia, tanggung, tunggu aja sampai akhir taun. dia gak tahan.