1 year 5.5 months (10 kg, 80 cm)
it's Angie's great milestone!
from the kitchen, mommy heard Angie said, “niao-niao” (means pee), and some voice from plastic potty when she stood up.
mommy came to see and found some urine in the potty.
we always empty the potty once it has been used by Crystal or Angie.
also found there was a bit of urine on the floor.
she already had a bit pee by standing up, then she went to the potty.
mommy gave Angie an applause and said she was a great girl to pee on potty .
Angie was very happy!
another hour later, she again went to the potty and said, “niao-niao”.
mommy was still in the kitchen, quickly came to Angie who had gone to the living room.
again mommy gave her an applause and said she was a great girl.
she smiled happily!!
after dinner, Angie was playing with Crystal on the bed.
mommy brought in the potty and said to her, “Angie, have some pee.”
she immediately climbed down from the bed, and sat on the potty.
after that, mommy gave her a piece of wipe, and she wiped by herself.
she has mimicked her sis for doing it!
as always, mommy never forgot to give compliment.
Great job, lil girl !
Angie has worn diaper all the time during last winter. otherwise we may have to wash pants all the time. it's summer now .. very right time for potty training!
we have started potty-train for Angie for about 2 weeks.
next step mommy will teach her how to strip down her pants.
so Angie could begin to wear normal pants.
as most of chinese kids here, at home Angie wears pants with “hole” for pee.
i believe it will not be so difficult since she often sees Crystal doing it.
1岁5.5月 (10kg, 80cm)
kayak apa tuh diapers ada holenya Yen?
Emily udah mulai juga, kalau sudah pupu dia langsung berusaha buka pintu kamar mandi.. aku tahu deh, pasti sudah basah celananya..
kayaknya dia juga bisa diajar potty lebih dini juga dibanding abang abangnya..
ya niru sih ya adek tuh sama kakak kakaknya, jadi lebih gampang ngajarinnya.
bukan diaper ada hole, tapi celananya ada hole di bagian pantat. jadi kalo mau pipis, si kecil yg gak bisa pelorotin celana, tinggal langsung jongkok atau duduk di potty. sebenarnya kurang suka. tapi karena di rumah bersih, gak ada semut atau serangga, so far cukup aman. tapi bentar lagi dah mau beralih ke 'celana normal'. angie skrg dah bisa pelorotin celana. tinggal diajarin pelorotin celana saat mau pipis.
lucunya dia suka niru Smarty mau pipis berdiri.
good job angie, jadi inget mo potty training aqsha juga nih..
hahaha, ngbayangin dia ikutin kokonya kencing berdiri... berantakan deh
dia emang suka pretend kayak kokonya. jadi dia narik bajunya keluar dari celananya, kayak anak laki. terus badannya dimaju2in di depan jamban (yg model duduk). tapi untungnya gak pipis.
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