Thursday, April 30, 2009

loncat dari jendela

dua hari yang lalu papa dan mama mertuaku cerita .. 

Smarty pulang dari TK sempat ngobrol2 sama opa.
terus kira2 dia bilang gini: 
kalo papa marah-marah terus ke aku, 
nanti aku loncat keluar dari jendela! 

ini anak baru umur 4 tahun 8 bulan, kok bisa berbicara begitu? 
dari siapakah atau dari manakah dia mendapat ide seperti ini? 
aku agak shock juga mendengarnya!!! 
opa dan oma pun agak ketakutan juga mendengar dia berucap seperti itu. 

soalnya di china kan rata2 tinggal di apartemen.
kami di lantai 4.
papa mama Smarty tinggal di lantai 6.
gimana coba kalo si anak sampai meloncat dari jendela!!! 

Papa Smarty memang bermasalah dalam hal mendidik anak.
metode dia selalu sama, 'marah-marah, membentak kadang memukul' terhadap apa saja yang diucapkan atau dilakukan Smarty, yang menurut dia gak bener. pernah satu kali dia memukul kepala Smarty dengan telapak tangannya. bikin esmoni!!!

dia sepertinya kurang mengerti bahwa anak-anak sebenarnya bukan sengaja melakukan suatu, hal yang menurut kita orang dewasa, 'gak bener'.  bisa saja karena mereka memang belum mengerti. 

kala Smarty berbicara dengan agak gagap, langsung kena bentak. padahal dia sendiri bicara adakala juga gagap (mungkin Smarty mencontoh papanya). 

kala Smarty belom bisa memegang pinsilnya dengan benar, langsung kena bentak. padahal papanya aja yg gak bisa memberitahu dengan efektif. buktinya, setelah aku ngasih tau, gak sampai 5 menit, Smarty udah bisa memegang pinsilnya dengan benar.

kala Smarty mulai malas menulis angka, langsung kena bentak.

kala Smarty mulai "berbohong", langsung kena bentak. sebenarnya karena Smarty sedang gak ingin minum air putih pagi ini. 

masih banyak lagi.

tiap kali aku mencoba mengingatkan papanya Smarty, selalu dengan menggunakan jurus: 
"dari search di internet ... bilangnya kalo anak gagap dalam berbicara, jangan malah dibentak... kudu ...bla..bla..bla..."
"di internet dikatakan, kala anak berdusta, cara kita menyikapi  bla..bla..bla.." 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

angie 17 months

Angie is 17 months now.
i very seldom measure her height and weight. 

can say many words now. 
can say simple sentence: want milk, grandma-good morning, mama-good night, mama sit down, mama open, how are you auntie "a-yi, hao!", grandma-pour this, thank you, i love you "wo-ai-ni". 

can ask her big sister to have meal. 
has 16 teeth.
likes to climb a stool, couch or bed, and staircase. 
likes to do everything by herself. 
sings with her own way.
sometimes counts 1,2,3 and 7,8,9 
likes to mimic her sis brushing teeth. 
likes to mimic her sis crying sometimes
likes to 'talk' on the phone with her daddy.  
likes to climb to her dining chair. 
likes to wear bigger shoes  
can understand almost everything that we talk to her.
can point out place where she pees.

taking off her own shoes ... 

and in action with a bag and cousin's big shoes 

will always demand us to open 'she-suspects'-as-snack packaging by saying, 
"open ... open .." 

can turn off the tv, cable-tv set, and then the extension cord. 
can eat rice by herself, bit by bit. 

can remember things if we ask her.
just like last nite, i was looking for her cup and then asked her, then she pointed to the Air Cond, where her sipping cup was.   

but doesn't like we carry her for pee. because she has worn diaper during the whole winter. 
i think it's about time for a potty train. but seems Angie will be a more diffcult case compare to Crystal.  

yesterday we went to the park, OMG .... she was rolling on the ground!! 
actually i would just let her. somehow, many eyes looked at us. 
but nobody said anything. 
hahaha ...  i thought i had to pretend saying, "get up .. get up .. it's dirty." 

mimpi juga

*gara-garanya apa yah bisa mimpi .. kayaknya sebelumnya sempat kepikiran sesuatu yang ada kaitannya sama ibu ini ... masih berusaha mengingat ..* 

semalam mimpiin ibu yossy nih!
kita ketemu di atas kapal.
bu yossy pakai seragam PT Telkom, ditemani suami.
lagi nyatet-nyatet apa gitu.

terus kita jadi ngobrolin sesuatu..tapi lupa.
dalam mimpi sempat nanya kabar tiga-jagoan
habis itu ntah mau lanjutin perjalanan ke mana. 

terus lupa kelanjutan mimpinya gimana ... 

pas bangun jadi ingat .. lho .. ini berbalas-mimpi yah..!  

yos, yuk .. bareng-bareng beli nomor undian ... wakakakakakak!

writing name 自己写名字

Smarty's kindergarten has required the students to learn writing their own names. i think this has given some certain impact to

for her own nickname Jing-Jing (Crystal), she already could write it for quite some time, bcoz it's pretty much easier (the lowest one in the pic). 

mama never teaches Crystal to write her full name bcoz mama thinks it's not the time yet. however, on saturday, Crystal said she wanted to write her own name. mama saw she had written the upper part of her middle-name (hui).

mama showed her how to write the lower part of 'hui', also how to write 'liu' and 'han'. 
she sometimes wrote th
e lower part of her mid-name  below the 'liu'. 

whenever Crystal wanted to (and then could) do something new, mama always feel very happy. 

she also asked 
mama to write A B C .. Z. and she wrote by herself from A to Z.

for writing, mama almost never leads her hand.
she always wants to write by herself. 

as usual, mama always encourages her to try to do something by her own. teach or show her if only she couldn't do it. 

good job, lil girl ! 




妈妈看到她己写了 “




妈妈就教晶晶怎样写 “字在 “的下面。

然后再教晶晶写” 字。






晶晶也叫妈妈写 A B C .. Z

在妈妈的字下面自己写 A Z








Monday, April 27, 2009

while they were sleeping (2)

crossing the river

click the picture to get the game link 

to move all people into the other side of the river 

1. max 2 person per trip on the raft
2. dad can't stay with daughter if mom is not present
3. mom can't stay with son if dad is not present 
4. jailwoman can't stay with any family member without the raft driver presents
5. only the adults can drive the raft

click on the person to move them onto the raft.
click the 'red dot' to drive the raft. 

answer in the "comment" .. 
NO-PEEPING please.
try before you peep. :-)

Friday, April 24, 2009

jumping frog

try it... it's fun .. ! 

click on the pic to open the link 

the purpose is to move the 3 brown frogs to the left side and the 3 green frogs to the right side.

the frog can only move forward, can't move backward.

one frog can jump over one frog. but can't jump over 2 frogs.

play with Math

It is said that engineers take 3 minutes to resolve this, architects 3 hours and doctors 6 hours.

this statement is not true anyway. it doesn't need engineer to resolve this. someone who is not engineer could finish this within 1 minute. 

Which is the 6th number?
1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, ___???

see the answer in the "comment"

what's your time score? 

when someone blames you

when someone makes mistake ..
and makes other people think that you are the one to blame for his/her mistake ...

it will take a very huge effort and self-control to tolerate and remain silent.
while actually you could easily speak out and point out
to everybody where the mistakes come from.

but anyhow .. you'd better remain silent.

bikin ill-feel !
.. it's life !

当有些人做错事 ...
而且让其他人以为责任是怪在你身上 ...




Wednesday, April 22, 2009

kindergarten open-house day

happy Earth Day!

ada open-house di TK-nya Crystal. Salah satu wali kudu hadir. kali ini mama yang datang. It’s so much fun! Anak2 lucu-lucu semua. Ada beberapa yang nangis2, takut ditinggal mamanya.

Waktu sessi origami, Crystal yang pertama menyelesaikan kerjaan origami sederhananya, tanpa campur tangan sedikit pun dari mama. Bu guru Cai menempelkan hasil karya Crystal bersama hasil karya 4 anak lainnya di papan tulis sebagai contoh.

Waktu sessi bermain, bu guru Cai bilang, "Crystal punya kemampuan motorik tangan yang luar biasa, dan sangat cerdas." Terus asisten bu gurunya juga bilang, "Crystal anak baik dan gampang diatur. kata bu guru Cai dan Chen, Crystal cerdas, gambarnya bagus, berhitungnya bagus.. bla..bla..."

duh .. hidung mama sampai kembang kempis !

dari sejak mama datang, Crystal tetap melakukan apa-apa sendiri: cuci tangan, minum, pipis, turun tangga, dll. mama hanya ngelihat dari samping atau dari luar kelas. waktu bu guru bertanya, Crystal juga ikutan tunjuk tangan. Walaupun gak dapat giliran jawab, soalnya anaknya banyak, satu kelas nyaris 40 anak.

ada beberapa anak yang nangis-nangis sejak tiba di kelas sampai saat papa mama atau kakek neneknya pulang.

Crystal gak nangis sama sekali. waktu mama kudu berangkat ngantor, Crystal melambaikan tangan dan say-bye ke mama. waktu di rumah Crystal bilang,
"sebenarnya tadi siang aku nyaris nangis. tapi gak jadi."

sampai di kantor, dengan bangganya, mama langsung lapor ke papa pengalaman hari ini.

今天是晶晶幼儿园的开放日。要求爸爸、妈妈、或 爷爷、奶奶参加。



















到了单位 妈妈立马就给爸爸打个电话,说一下晶晶今天的表现。


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

top 10 famous chinese tea

there is no official list for The 10 Most Famous Chinese Tea. however, LONG JING tea is always on the top of the list. 

so far i have tasted longjing, huangshan maofeng, lu-an guapian, tie guan yin, bi luo chun, oolong. and so far i prefer lu-an gua pian and maofeng. coincidentally, both from anhui province, the province where i live now.

my next tea-hunting will be  yunnan pu'erhmonkey king, keemun,  big red robe, silver  needle, and white fur silver needle.  keemun and monkey king are also produced in anhui province. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shanghai Qibao Ancient Town


one day trip at Qibao Ancient Town in Shanghai, with Evi, Evi's aunt and uncle. 
Evi is my very good friend from elementary school 'til university.
Evi's uncle was my dad's classmate; from whom my dad had borrowed clothes for wedding ceremony .. 38 years ago. 
just this morning, Crystal said, she wanted to go to Shanghai again. mom said, going to Shanghai will need a lot of money. how can mama have so much money to go to Shanghai every week? next time, we will go again with daddy, Angie, grandpa and grandma. 

4月12日晶晶和妈妈去了上海七宝古镇玩。见了妈妈的好朋友:蔡灵珠阿姨,还有灵珠阿姨的姨娘姨父。灵珠阿姨是妈妈从小学到大学的好朋友。原来灵珠阿姨的姨父是晶晶外公的同学。以前38年前,外公外婆结婚时还借了这位爷爷的西服呢 !
晶晶玩的特开心呢!对妈妈说礼拜六礼拜天还要到上海玩。妈妈说到上海玩要好多钱,哪能每个星期都到上海玩呢! 下次有机会我们再和爸爸,齐齐,爷爷奶奶到上海玩. 

dinner in Hefei Railway Station before getting on the train.
fillet-o-fish, french-fries, sweet corn, and chocolate milk. 

on CRH (China Railway Hi-speed) EMU Train 
ticket for Hefei-Shanghai RMB 160. duration: approx. 3 hours 
在动车组上; 火车票价 160元; 2等座。合肥-上海 需要3个小时到达。

at hotel ...在酒店早上要起床的时候

in front of Shanghai Railway Station and Subway entrance (same location)

okey ... another ultraman style ! (*faint*)

ancient architectural style

aaaargghh.... it's too crowded! don't go there in weekends!

lot of options for lunch!

cotton textile mill 棉织坊

new wed couple's chairs and bed room 

old style potty, baby dining chairs, steam-boat (hotpot)

snacks and food sellers 卖小吃的可多啦!

cricket house 蟋蟀草堂( i didnt take picture of those crickets) 

Zhou's mini carving collection  周氏微雕馆

pawnshop, rumah pergadaian 当铺 

the old wine shop 老酒坊

she was sleeping .. kept going and kept taking pics, mom! 

okey .. she woke up now!

at the dock 码头

on the bridge

on Shanghai Taxi, playing with touch screen ads 

dinner before getting on to CRH EMU train 
EMU = electronic multiple units
.. and on the CRH, draw and cut 

to get there: 
* from Shanghai Railway Station, go to Subway (Metro) Station, in same location with Railway Station. Take Subway No.3 or No. 4, to Yi Shan Street. Switch to Subway No. 9 to Caobao Street. from Subway No. 9 Station to Qibao by walking, approx. 10-15 minutes.
* from Shanghai Railway Station, go with Subway No. 1. stop at Caobao Street, take taxi, about 20-30 minutes (RMB 28).  or take bus No. 92 to Qibao. 

Subway No.9 and No. 1 station is different location though they are in same street Caobao Street.

entrance ticket: 
Free if you didn't visit any special sight. 
All-in-one Ticket RMB 50. or special price RMB 30, for visiting 9 special sights: Bell Tower, Cotton Textile Mill, Cricket House, Memorial Hall of Zhang Chongren, Shadowgraph Museum, The Old Trades, Zhou's Miniature Carving House, Pawnshop, Old Wine Shop. 

oleh2 dari tante Evi: 3 bungkus coklat dan 3 buku. 

* 从上海火车站坐 3号或4号线地铁到宜山路.转9号地铁到漕宝路站下.走路到七宝古镇.10分钟.
* 从上海火车站坐1号线地铁. 在漕宝路站下.打的20-30分钟大概28yuan 或坐92号公交车到七宝古镇下. 

要是想看景点,联票时50元(打特价30元). 能看老街9大景点: 钟楼, 棉织坊, 张充仁纪念馆,皮影馆,老街当,蟋蟀草堂,七宝周氏微雕馆,当铺,七宝老酒坊