Tuesday, April 28, 2009

angie 17 months

Angie is 17 months now.
i very seldom measure her height and weight. 

can say many words now. 
can say simple sentence: want milk, grandma-good morning, mama-good night, mama sit down, mama open, how are you auntie "a-yi, hao!", grandma-pour this, thank you, i love you "wo-ai-ni". 

can ask her big sister to have meal. 
has 16 teeth.
likes to climb a stool, couch or bed, and staircase. 
likes to do everything by herself. 
sings with her own way.
sometimes counts 1,2,3 and 7,8,9 
likes to mimic her sis brushing teeth. 
likes to mimic her sis crying sometimes
likes to 'talk' on the phone with her daddy.  
likes to climb to her dining chair. 
likes to wear bigger shoes  
can understand almost everything that we talk to her.
can point out place where she pees.

taking off her own shoes ... 

and in action with a bag and cousin's big shoes 

will always demand us to open 'she-suspects'-as-snack packaging by saying, 
"open ... open .." 

can turn off the tv, cable-tv set, and then the extension cord. 
can eat rice by herself, bit by bit. 

can remember things if we ask her.
just like last nite, i was looking for her cup and then asked her, then she pointed to the Air Cond, where her sipping cup was.   

but doesn't like we carry her for pee. because she has worn diaper during the whole winter. 
i think it's about time for a potty train. but seems Angie will be a more diffcult case compare to Crystal.  

yesterday we went to the park, OMG .... she was rolling on the ground!! 
actually i would just let her. somehow, many eyes looked at us. 
but nobody said anything. 
hahaha ...  i thought i had to pretend saying, "get up .. get up .. it's dirty." 


sarie said...

:) lucu si Angie, mirip co tingkahnya, manjat2 juga ya:) hehehe....

Nathan umur 3 thn baru lepas diapers,*mommynya yg muales.com*.

Kalo liat anak kecil gitu emang lucu ya:) amazing!

Yen, thanks komennya:) i also hope my hubby ready my blog. Gak tinggal brg mertua kok, but he keep calling when holiday:P

utah0rbust said...

I don't get on your blog nearly as much as I should!! Your girls are getting so big! They are adorable. So so cute :) I love Crystal's blog too with her pictures. what a neat idea!!

Andri Journal said...

Angie dulunya bisa jalan umur berapa mbak? Biasanya umur 12 bulan kan dah mulai jalan tuh. :)

Oh iya, diajari pake bahasa apa nih? Indonesia, Cina atau Inggris?

yenni 'yendoel' said...

bisa jalan pas di hari ultah pertamanya.
sementara baru bhs china, soalnay orang rumah gada yg bisa berbhs indo. ntar bakal diajarin indo,spy bisa komunikasi dg sodara2 sepupu di indo. mudah2an maknya nih cukup sabar dan konsisten

Y3nn1 said...

Angie menar2 anak yang aktif banget yah, lucu dan ngegemesin...*cubit2 pipinya*

mochie said...

angie jadi kek cowo pake spatunya smarty ya..

Ninis said...

Wahhhhhh makin aktip aja nih lil pinguin hihihi.. udah mainan laptop segala.. mo ikut Mama kerja ya hahaha..
Baby2 jaman sekarang ya, canggih2.. Jessica suka mainan iPod touch tuh! Kita dulu mana punya ya hahaha.. yang ada sih main tanah & karet gelang wekekekekeee :P