Friday, March 13, 2009


i think i make a mistake about from which direction the moon rises.
now, i am not sure... and i havent found the answer.

One day in this week, we stood at our balcony.
Crystal: look mama, it's sunset over there!
Mom: which direction is that way, dear?
Crystal: west.
Mom: in which direction is the sun rising ?
Crystal: in the east
Mom: where is the east?
Crystal: (a lil bit confused)
Mom: it's over there, the opposite direction of west (pointing to the east, south and north)
Mom: do you remember the song.. the east becomes red. the sun is rising.. 东方红太阳升..
Crystal: where is the moon rising?
Mom: in the west.

the other day i took her to the park, she again pointed to the west .. "look mama, it's sunset over there..!"


Michael, Ryan , Emily's Mommy said...

wah aku baru tahu nih kalau bulan terbit berbeda dengan Matahari terbit.. hehehe atau aku tertidur kali ya waktu pelajaran tentang matahari dan bulan ;P makasih infonya ;)

Ninis said...

Hihihihihi idem sama Mbak Holly :D

mochie said...

iya untung anak2ku gk lom prnah nanya itu, klo iya, emaknya kelebekan.. hihi

Anonymous said...

Aku nunggu sampe Vaya gede aja, baru nanti aku tunggu kira2 dia nanyanya apa nih...