Wednesday, December 10, 2008

our little penguin

we have new nickname for Angie... little penguin... 小企鹅.
that's bcoz of the way she walks with her winter outfits .. makes her look like a penguin.. soooo cute! 

my lil penguin was sick on the day mommy came back from guangzhou (28-Nov). the reason was bcoz grandpa/ma fed her with 2 bowls of chicken soup. maybe it was over-oily. so she got slight diarrhea. when she almost recovered, the temperature got warmer on tuesday, so grandma took off  her vest. 

after that in the afternoon, when i came home, she walked towards me happily (!).. but at the same time she vomited quite a lot. oh.. it felt like one piece of my meat were being cut down from my own body to see her vomiting and being ill! and she vomited again on around 11pm. i almost didnt sleep the whole night to look after her.. changed her diaper 3 times whenever she pooped. 

took her to doctor this afternoon. and she already got better when i got home.  puji Tuhan! 
the doctor said that she got "stomach flu" (which remind me of fino, who also got stomach flu  during thanksgiving holiday ... lisa's blog).


mochie said...

syukurlah skrg ud sembuh ya.. btw,br denger nih stomach flu, sebabnya apa tuh yen?.. beda ma sakit perut ya?

yenni 'yendoel' said...

aku juga baru tahu setelah baca blognya lisa. taunya hanya selang beberapa hari, angie terserang stomach flu juga. bingung juga.. kayaknya efeknya muntah2 gitu deh gara2 kedinginan (lambung masuk angin)? tapi hidungnya gak meler lho. jadinya puasa susu. soalnya susu gampang merangsang lambung buat muntah. kalo lapar, dikasih bubur. suka kasian/gak tega lihat dia kalo lihatin orang makan (apa aja) terus dia merengek2 mau juga. atau beringsut2 ke tempat biasa kita taroh biskuit, terus bilang "" (maksudnya mau minta biskuit).

Lily said...

Syukurlah si Angie dah baekan sekarang.. ternyata flu itu ada macam2 jenisnya juga ya Yen, baru tau aq...

Ninis said...

Awww... sweet nickname indeed :)

Udah sembuh kan Angie? Semoga ya..

Anonymous said...

flu perut mirip2 kayak masuk angin gitu ya, yen? but thanks God angie ud baekan... :)