Wednesday, September 27, 2006

our lill smarty

14 mo 4 weeks

Crystal's grandma told me this after dinner: "Cyrstal's got the brain."
this afternoon, Crystal and Smarty were playing at our main bedroom. there's a computer there. they were clicking the CPU, keyboard, mouse, wanting to climb up the bed or chair, unloading things from the cabinet, etc. So grandma said to Smarty and Crystal, "ok kids, let's get out from here and let's go and play at the next bedroom."

So Smarty and Crystal went out. Smarty went to the living room, while Crystal went to the next bedroom.

Yes, basically, we can communicate easily with Crystal. i can say that she can understand everything we tell her or ask her to do, she also can give responses by answering our questions with some simple words that she can say.

I do hope our Crystal is an intelligent kid. Which parents don't?

another progress she made this week was that she could now count completely from 1 to 10. if we ask what our house phone number is, she would say, 55667788 ... hahaha... almost a correct answer.

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