below are Crystal 12 month's developments
lately Crystal likes to play horsey by sitting on my tummy or on my back, while i will say, "ride a horse...rise a horse...rise to grandma's house. we cannot go to grandma house by horse. it's far far away; it's in indonesia. we should take a plane. how does a plane fly?" she will raise her hand and say, "buuummm....buuummm..."
She likes to pick sandal or shoes one by one for everybody. She never mixes up with other pairs of shoes. And mostly she can recognize which one are daddy or grandpa or grandma or mama's shoes. She also likes to take my bag, puts on her shoulder and walks around as if she is going shopping. or explores things in my bag, takes out everything, keys, paper, pen, bus IC Card, office card, tissue paper, wallet, and takes out everything in my wallet, money, invoices, name card, etc.
She will be very happy to be given a job. "Jing-Jing, bring this to grandpa in the kitchen." said grandma and handling her an empty plastic bowl. She walks importantly to the kitchen, holding up the bowl with her two hands, handling it to her grandpa and finally got an applause and thanks from her grandpa that would make her smile happily. Or other time, "Crystal, throw this into the trash bin... Crystal, pick up the comb and put in its place." (sometimes she takes the comb and plays with it and leaves it on the floor)
she also likes to play phone call. she will climb the cough and play the phone, pick up the phone and say, "papa...papa....". Sometimes she will put a remote control, a bottle, a toy or even her brother's sandal (!) into her ear and say, "ee.....eeee...papa...."
she is very sensitive to the door-close voice. she will immediately say, "da...da..." or brings me my outing shoes indicates me to take her out. if i take her out, she will climb up and down the steps in front of the bakery, drug store, bank, etc. sometimes she plays with the weighing scale in front of the drug store, or rushes into the drug store, wants to take things from the shelves. so i would say, "do not take it, just touch it ok? mama will not buy it. so you just touch it for a while." amazingly, sometimes she listens and just touches it for a while. she also likes to sneak into the place where the shop keepers stand, behind the glass shelves, so i need to pull her out. if i ask, "what is it?" she will say, "yao." (medicine)
the other time i take her to bakery shop and sit on the swing inside the store. there are plastic grapes above the swing. if i ask her, she would pretend as if she picked the grapes which are 1.5 meters above us.
we dont wear her diaper. she only wears diaper during sleep at night. it's troublesome somehow, but we think it will be more comfortable for her without diaper. so everytime i take her out, i should equip myself with toilet paper and her pants. coz she would pee or poop. sometimes i need to clean her urine on the floor of the drug store. but of course usually i will try as much to carry her out to let her pee and then let her play again inside the store if she wants.
knows cousin, grandma, grandpa and great grandma's names.
knows uncle and aunt's name and uncle Ma's name.
few weeks ago, she already knew daddy and mama's names.
she can crawl now !!! (the moment i've been waiting for since few months back)
can ride a hand-drive scooter more steadily.
can say:
mao jing (towel)
yi fu (shirt)
wa (shocks)
mao (hat)
niao (bird)
ji (chicken)
niu (cow)
mao (cat)
mao (modem)
ma (horse)
zhu (pig)
yu (fish)
e (hungry)
na (get it)
ai (love)
bo bo (uncle, daddy's big brother)
can differ cloths on the hangers, which one is grandpa's, grandma's, daddy's or mom's cloth.
can mimic an ugly face
7th tooth (lower gum, 2nd left front tooth)
and i think i missed taking notes on some of her developments (especially in knowing new things and saying new words) since i was extremely busy this month, don't have time to write details.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
First Aid for Choking and CPR (links, illustrated)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Bali, 2006 most favorite island
Old favorites top this year’s lists for World’s Best Islands. Bali is ranked No. 1 for the fifth time and other classic choices also get top billing—Santorini and Kauai—as well as new more exotic, adventure-oriented locales such as Tasmania, Saba, and Borneo.
(ngambil dari blog-nya enda nasution)
(ngambil dari blog-nya enda nasution)
Jika gempa bumi mengguncang secara tiba-tiba, berikut ini 10 petunjuk yang dapat dijadikan pegangan:
Getaran akan terasa beberapa saat. Selama jangka waktu itu, upayakan keselamatan diri dan keluarga. Masuklah ke bawah meja untuk melindungi tubuh dari jatuhan benda-benda. Jika tidak memiliki meja, lindungi kepala dengan bantal. Jika sedang menyalakan kompor maka matikan segera untuk mencegah terjadinya kebakaran.
Lindungi kepala dan hindari benda-benda berbahaya. Di daerah perkantoran atau kawasan industri, bahaya bisa muncul dari jatuhnya kaca-kaca dan papan-papan reklame. Lindungi kepala dengan menggunakan tangan, tas atau apapun yang bisa digunakan.
Jangan menyebabkan kepanikan atau menjadi korban dari kepanikan. Ikuti semua petunjuk dari pegawai atau satpam.
Jangan menggunakan lift saat terjadi gempa bumi atau kebakaran. Jika merasakan getaran gempa bumi saat di dalam lift, maka tekanlah semua tombol. Ketika lift berhenti, keluarlah, lihat keamanannya dan mengungsilah. Jika terjebak dalam lift, hubungi manajer gedung dengan menggunakan interphone jika tersedia.
Berpeganganlah dengan erat pada tiang sehingga tidak akan terjatuh seandainya kereta dihentikan secara mendadak. Bersikap tenanglah mengikuti penjelasan dari petugas kereta. Salah mengerti terhadap informasi petugas kereta atau stasiun akan mengakibatkan kepanikan.
Saat terjadi gempa bumi besar, akan terasa seakan-akan roda mobil gundul. Anda akan kehilangan kontrol terhadap mobil dan susah mengendalikannya. Jauhi persimpangan, pinggirkan mobil dan berhentilah. Ikuti instruksi dari radio mobil. Jika harus mengungsi maka keluarlah dari mobil, biarkan mobil tak terkunci.
Ada kemungkinan lonsor terjadi dari atas gunung. Menjauhlah langsung ke tempat aman. Di pesisir pantai, bahayanya datang dari tsunami. Jika terasa adanya getaran dan melihat tanda-tanda tsunami, cepatlah mengungsi ke dataran yang tinggi.
Sudah dapat diramalkan bahwa banyak orang akan cedera saat terjadi gempa bumi besar. Karena petugas kesehatan dari rumah-rumah sakit akan mengalami kesulitan datang ke tempat kejadian maka bersiaplah memberikan pertolongan pertama kepada orang-orang berada di sekitar anda.
Tempat-tempat pengungsian biasanya telah diatur oleh pemerintah daerah. Pengungsian perlu dilakukan jika kebakaran meluas akibat gempa bumi. Pada prinsipnya, evakuasi dilakukan dengan berjalan kaki di bawah kawalan petugas polisi atau instansi pemerintah. Bawalah barang-barang secukupnya.
Saat gempa bumi besar terjadi, masyarakat terpukul kejiwaannya. Untuk mencegah kepanikan, penting sekali setiap orang bersikap tenang dan bertindaklah sesuai dengan informasi yang benar. informasi yang benar dapat diperoleh dari pihak berwenang, polisi, atau petugas PMK. Jangan bertindak karena informasi orang yang tidak jelas.
jangan panik !
sebelumnya beredar forward-an dari email soal "teori segitiga kehidupan". setelah diselidiki, ternyata teori ini kurang valid.
Getaran akan terasa beberapa saat. Selama jangka waktu itu, upayakan keselamatan diri dan keluarga. Masuklah ke bawah meja untuk melindungi tubuh dari jatuhan benda-benda. Jika tidak memiliki meja, lindungi kepala dengan bantal. Jika sedang menyalakan kompor maka matikan segera untuk mencegah terjadinya kebakaran.
Lindungi kepala dan hindari benda-benda berbahaya. Di daerah perkantoran atau kawasan industri, bahaya bisa muncul dari jatuhnya kaca-kaca dan papan-papan reklame. Lindungi kepala dengan menggunakan tangan, tas atau apapun yang bisa digunakan.
Jangan menyebabkan kepanikan atau menjadi korban dari kepanikan. Ikuti semua petunjuk dari pegawai atau satpam.
Jangan menggunakan lift saat terjadi gempa bumi atau kebakaran. Jika merasakan getaran gempa bumi saat di dalam lift, maka tekanlah semua tombol. Ketika lift berhenti, keluarlah, lihat keamanannya dan mengungsilah. Jika terjebak dalam lift, hubungi manajer gedung dengan menggunakan interphone jika tersedia.
Berpeganganlah dengan erat pada tiang sehingga tidak akan terjatuh seandainya kereta dihentikan secara mendadak. Bersikap tenanglah mengikuti penjelasan dari petugas kereta. Salah mengerti terhadap informasi petugas kereta atau stasiun akan mengakibatkan kepanikan.
Saat terjadi gempa bumi besar, akan terasa seakan-akan roda mobil gundul. Anda akan kehilangan kontrol terhadap mobil dan susah mengendalikannya. Jauhi persimpangan, pinggirkan mobil dan berhentilah. Ikuti instruksi dari radio mobil. Jika harus mengungsi maka keluarlah dari mobil, biarkan mobil tak terkunci.
Ada kemungkinan lonsor terjadi dari atas gunung. Menjauhlah langsung ke tempat aman. Di pesisir pantai, bahayanya datang dari tsunami. Jika terasa adanya getaran dan melihat tanda-tanda tsunami, cepatlah mengungsi ke dataran yang tinggi.
Sudah dapat diramalkan bahwa banyak orang akan cedera saat terjadi gempa bumi besar. Karena petugas kesehatan dari rumah-rumah sakit akan mengalami kesulitan datang ke tempat kejadian maka bersiaplah memberikan pertolongan pertama kepada orang-orang berada di sekitar anda.
Tempat-tempat pengungsian biasanya telah diatur oleh pemerintah daerah. Pengungsian perlu dilakukan jika kebakaran meluas akibat gempa bumi. Pada prinsipnya, evakuasi dilakukan dengan berjalan kaki di bawah kawalan petugas polisi atau instansi pemerintah. Bawalah barang-barang secukupnya.
Saat gempa bumi besar terjadi, masyarakat terpukul kejiwaannya. Untuk mencegah kepanikan, penting sekali setiap orang bersikap tenang dan bertindaklah sesuai dengan informasi yang benar. informasi yang benar dapat diperoleh dari pihak berwenang, polisi, atau petugas PMK. Jangan bertindak karena informasi orang yang tidak jelas.
jangan panik !
sebelumnya beredar forward-an dari email soal "teori segitiga kehidupan". setelah diselidiki, ternyata teori ini kurang valid.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Today, Crystal was a bit naughty... though actually i called it 'she explored her curiosity'... and her granny spank her, so she cried.
if her grand-aunty asked, "Jing-jing, did grandma spank you?", when she saw her grandma was around, she ignored the question, as if there were nothing.
again her grand-aunty asked, "Jing-Jing, did grandma spank you?"
she used her hand to spank her own butts, but on the same time, she saw her grandma walking to kitchen, suddenly she stopped spank her own butt.
after some time again she was asked the same question, her grandma was taking nap, so she dared to spank herself.
when i returned from work, carried her in my arms, her grandma asked me to ask her same question in front of her grandma, she spanked her butts with her tiny hand.
"and how did you cry?"
she rubbed her arm on her eyes pretending she was crying.
her grandma said, "see this little naughty thing tell her mom on me!"
hahahahahaa.... our little actress !
if her grand-aunty asked, "Jing-jing, did grandma spank you?", when she saw her grandma was around, she ignored the question, as if there were nothing.
again her grand-aunty asked, "Jing-Jing, did grandma spank you?"
she used her hand to spank her own butts, but on the same time, she saw her grandma walking to kitchen, suddenly she stopped spank her own butt.
after some time again she was asked the same question, her grandma was taking nap, so she dared to spank herself.
when i returned from work, carried her in my arms, her grandma asked me to ask her same question in front of her grandma, she spanked her butts with her tiny hand.
"and how did you cry?"
she rubbed her arm on her eyes pretending she was crying.
her grandma said, "see this little naughty thing tell her mom on me!"
hahahahahaa.... our little actress !
.. Crystal
Thursday, July 20, 2006
her preference
mama: jing-jing, mama goes to work, ok?
jing-jing: (shaking head)
mama: jing-jing, mama stays at home and take care of you, is it ok?
jing-jing: (smiling and nodding head)
jing-jing: (shaking head)
mama: jing-jing, mama stays at home and take care of you, is it ok?
jing-jing: (smiling and nodding head)
.. Crystal
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
a month ago, everytime Crystal wanted me to carry her up, she would say, "ni... ni..." and raised her arms to me.
now i understand what the "ni..." means in her dictionary. just two weeks ago, (6 July) when i came back from Ninghai and Tianjin, she could pronounced, "yeni".
when i said Chunlin, she said, "papa" (it's her daddy's name). and when i said, "yeni", she smiled and followed me by saying, "yeni" with her lower lip slant aside. =)
and this morning, when i handled her to her grandma coz i would have my breakfast, she protested by saying, "eeh... yeni," reaching her arms to me.
i kinda like to hear her calling me by my name! it sounds cute, funny, sweet!
now i understand what the "ni..." means in her dictionary. just two weeks ago, (6 July) when i came back from Ninghai and Tianjin, she could pronounced, "yeni".
when i said Chunlin, she said, "papa" (it's her daddy's name). and when i said, "yeni", she smiled and followed me by saying, "yeni" with her lower lip slant aside. =)
and this morning, when i handled her to her grandma coz i would have my breakfast, she protested by saying, "eeh... yeni," reaching her arms to me.
i kinda like to hear her calling me by my name! it sounds cute, funny, sweet!
.. Crystal
Monday, July 10, 2006
careless mom
i was such a careless mom !
this Saturday, i had the toilet door closing on Crystal's lill finger and hurt her so much. my heart was crying (and now still is!). how i regretted it so much! usually i was extra carefull on such door things, but on Saturday, i dont know ... why i was so careless. luckily i closed the door slightly, otherwise, i don't dare to imagine!
i am so sorry, my lill darling!
mom will be extra extra carefull not to hurt you anymore!
this Saturday, i had the toilet door closing on Crystal's lill finger and hurt her so much. my heart was crying (and now still is!). how i regretted it so much! usually i was extra carefull on such door things, but on Saturday, i dont know ... why i was so careless. luckily i closed the door slightly, otherwise, i don't dare to imagine!
i am so sorry, my lill darling!
mom will be extra extra carefull not to hurt you anymore!
.. Crystal,
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